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The Risk of War between Pakistan & India

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your model which forecasts the start of rising tensions between Pakistan and India for 2019 has been absolutely correct. What do you see...

Trump Clarifies Attack Not Appropriate Since No American Loss of Life

To the hatred of the neocons, including Bolton, Trump has explained that it was inappropriate to retaliate against Iran when 150 people would be killed for the...

Iran on Schedule for the War Cycle

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am a Muslim and I have just read you War Cycle report from 2015 where you provide your forecast for this crisis we are cascading into. You...

Iran Shoots Down US Drone Wednesday Night NY Time

The news of Iran downing a US drone was circulating in the Middle East before it hit the news wires. It was actually shot down at 7:35 pm New York time on Wednesday...

World War III – 2024-2027?

QUESTION: Besides the Bible, there are many clairvoyants who predict that there will be World War III. Your models predict the rise in war tensions. What is your...

Cycle of War & Religion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, on Sept 12th 2013 you wrote about the ‘Return of the crusades’. Now, 6 years later, with the massive migrant crisis still...

Julian Assange Has Been Arrested by British Police

  Julian Assange has been arrested by British police. The USA will no doubt want to put him on trial for ensuring Hillary lost the White House. The British...

Walter Jones – An Important Politician Who Was One of the Good Guys

I wanted to write an obituary for a friend who I would go down to Capitol Hill to see — Walter Jones. He was a Republican but someone who would vote based...

Warning Neocons Joining Democrats to Support War

I have previously written that all wars have been started by the Democrats with the single exception of the Iraq War under Dick Cheney and the Neocons. Now after...

The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

  Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False...