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Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have heard people say that the Russian sanctions were intended to overthrow Putin. Is it true that the Neocons believe that Russia will...

Beware the Common Thread that runs through War

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to argue that the sanctions against Russia are unjustified with respect to their invasion of Ukraine. I understand that...

France’s Dream of Europe without NATO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The French have never been real supporters of America and NATO. They have always wanted to be seen as a world power since Charles DeGaul....

Napoleon was Defeated by Volcanoes

QUESTION: I recently read that the weather defeated Napoleon created by a Volcanic Winter in 1815. It seems to have lined up with your chart on the decline in the...

Cheney & Rumsfeld the Machiavellian Puppet Masters Behind the Iraq War

  There is so much behind the scenes to the creation of a false narrative to wage war in Iraq it is no joke. The story laid out by James Bamford offers...

Fake News & Their Conspiracy with the Deep State Exposed

QUESTION: Did the Deep State indict the Russians to sabotage the Trump Putin summit? The Daily News seems to be cheering World War III. What is going on? ANSWER:...

The Next American Civil War – Thank You Mueller

The Mueller investigation is all about removing Trump from office, which has been cheered by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post among many others. They...

Fake News – Little Girl Was Never Taken From Her Mother

  It turns out that the Fake News has managed to use a picture of little Hondorus girl and told the world she was taken from her mother. The girl’s...

Weather Impacted Wars & Migrations in Pre-Recorded History

  Archaeologists working in the wetlands of Denmark have uncovered 2,000-year-old human remains are revealing that the Germanic “barbarians” were...

The Money Supply Always Increases in Time of War

QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC.  Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of...