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Berkshire Hathaway: CEI Score 0

Berkshire Hathaway managed to score a total of zero imaginary woke points on the Corporate Equality Index. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) investigates how woke a...

Biden on Gay Marriage (2006)

  Politicians echo the popular opinion of the time to gain votes. They act in their own self-interest and do not care about the people. Joe Biden now prides...

Corporate Equality Index 2023 – New Criteria for the Woke Credit Score

(old ratings featured above; deemed not inclusive enough) I mentioned how the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is the reason companies are going WOKE. This is the...

The United Nations Wants to Normalize Pedophilia

The most disturbing aspect of our “new norm” is this push to indoctrinate impressionable children to accept the woke agenda. I did not want to write about this...

Russia Aims to Attract Canadian and American Conservative Expats

We live in strange times. Russia is looking to attract conservative expats from Canada and America wishing to flee from their oppressive governments. Timur...

Happy MOTHER’S Day!


Biden Administration: “Birthing Persons” or “Unpaid Caregivers” are Bad for the Economy

Happy early Mother’s Day to the women in charge with shaping our society. The vital role of a mother, arguably the most important responsibility one can take on,...

Medical Schools Eliminating MCAT in Favor of Diversity

Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is “a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess your problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of...

Former Navy Seal Team 6 Member: “China is Going to Destroy Us”

The US military has been struggling with recruitment efforts in recent years. Only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to enlist. Prioritizing the...