Biden Administration: “Birthing Persons” or “Unpaid Caregivers” are Bad for the Economy
May 12, 2023
Happy early Mother’s Day to the women in charge with shaping our society. The vital role of a mother, arguably the most important responsibility one can take on,...
WOKEMedical Schools Eliminating MCAT in Favor of Diversity
May 11, 2023
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is “a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess your problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of...
WOKEFormer Navy Seal Team 6 Member: “China is Going to Destroy Us”
May 5, 2023
The US military has been struggling with recruitment efforts in recent years. Only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to enlist. Prioritizing the...
War WOKEBud Light – Go Woke, Go Broke
April 13, 2023
@dylanmulvaney Childhood dream unlocked ✔️ #eloise #plazahotel ♬ Eloise – Emily Christine Peterson Bud Light chose a transexual man who often...
WOKEWOKE Culture is Destroying the Economy & our Nation
March 19, 2023
The collapse of Credit Swiss as well as SVB, Signature, and more to come, have a common theme – the FAILURE of RISK MANAGEMENT. When we look closer at the...
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