World Trade
Why Syria has ALWAYS been Strategic
March 28, 2018
Syria has always been strategic throughout recorded history. You had to pass through it between Babylon and Egypt. However, as world trade began to emerge, the...
Middle East War World TradeProtectionism & Trade Wars
March 26, 2018
While Trump is being portrayed and the insane President hellbent on destroying world trade, the truth is the tariffs on steel and aluminum account for 0.2% of GDP...
World TradeCanada Will be the Most Impact by a Steel Tariff
March 2, 2018
Canada is the largest exporter of steel to the United States. The decline in the Canadian dollar has helped this trend in particular. Trump is clueless when it...
Canada Capital Flow World TradeUS to Review Visa Waivers for the EU
April 21, 2017
The United States is now reviewing the Visa Waiver Program for the European Union. The entire problem has been the porous borders of Europe created by...
War World TradeTrump – Dollar & Why He Will Fail
March 16, 2017
QUESTION: Hi Martin, How is the dollar supposed to continue to rise when Trump and all of his cabinet members want a weaker dollar? They constantly blame others...
World TradeEU Bailout of Portugal Has Failed
February 24, 2017
This year, 2017, is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. While Greece is popping up on the financial radar, the Euro rescue in Portugal has also...
Sovereign Debt Crisis World TradeThe Real Crisis Trump Will Face With Trade
December 29, 2016
The entire problem with trade and jobs has been its focus on only the job and not the consumer. David Ricardo developed his principle that nations should pursue...
America's Economic History World TradeWhy Are the Markets Coiling?
September 28, 2016
The markets have been coiling, and quite frankly, this reminds me of when Pope John Paul II was shot, which was the first attempted assassination of a...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Politics World TradeWorld Trade Collapsing On Schedule
September 28, 2016
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has warned that there is a “dramatic slowing of trade growth” unfolding. The WTO has revised downward its...
The Hunt for Taxes World TradeBlog Alerts
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