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World Trade

Business Deportations

The world will become a more hostile place in the months ahead as we move toward 2024. Governments have identified their enemies that have embedded themselves...

Mercantilism v Consumerism – China’s Direction

Mercantilism is the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by...

Russia Invests Heavily in Egypt – Sun City – Nuclear Power

Russia poured $7 billion into Egypt in 2021 to create the Russian Industrial Zone (RIZ), the nation’s first industrial zone outside of Russia. Egyptian President...

Polish President: Ukraine is Behaving like a Drowning Person Clinging to Anything Available

Polish President Andrzej Duda is taking a harsher stance on aiding Ukraine ahead of the October election. A Reuters poll noted that 91% of the population supported...

Beijing Sanctions US Arms Manufacturers

The US and China are at odds again. China is now sanctioning Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman for providing Taiwan with weapons. Last month was the first time...

Mercedes-Benz Disconnects from Russia

As my readers know, part of the Great Reset is to eliminate private car ownership under the premise of climate change. But technology has become a new tool that...

European Companies Lost Over €100 Billion on Russia Amid War

The Financial Times estimates that European companies have lost at least €100 billion ($110 billion) since the Russia-Ukraine war began. Around 176 European...

The Russia-Africa Summit

Putin invited numerous African leaders to St. Petersburg, where they discussed strengthening their alliance. The Russia-Africa summit gave Moscow a platform to show...

Iran and Saudi Arabia – Mutual Friends

Iran and Saudi Arabia are now mutual friends through China. The two countries had been sworn enemies since the beginning of time, representing conflicting Shiite...

South Africa Offers Putin Diplomatic Immunity Ahead of BRICS Summit

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa) alliance is stronger than ever. The 15th annual meeting will be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa, and...