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Bank of Canada 1st Among G7 to Cut Rates

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COMMENT: Marty, I attended your Toronto Institutional session when the Bank of Canada had a table of 10 people. People would ask you what the central banks were looking at, and you would respond. Everyone then turned to see if they flinched. They were the best of times, as they say.

For us long-timers, it was no surprise that the Bank of Canada was the first to cut rates in turn with the ECM. I know you do not like to court the mainstream press, but one of these days, somebody has to have the guts to stand up and say that there is a business cycle.

Your legacy has made a difference. I share your goal to purge our governments of political manipulation that causes more harm to the people and the economy than anything else.

It was refreshing to see the Bank of Canada act with the ECM. You even put on the blog that June would be the opportunity for the central banks to cut rates. Well done, as always.


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REPLY: Yes, they were simpler days. It’s nice to see you are still active. Most of the major central banks know the Economic Confidence Model. It was good to see that the Bank of Canada acted in advance for the first time until waiting for the crash. It would be better if they could purge the fiscal side of these insane pretend experts like Janet Yellen and the Neocons. Then there will be a future worth leaving our grandchildren.

NewYorker Cover

We now have universities inquiring about buying quantities of the books I have been publishing. It is great news that they are starting to introduce students to reality. I am working hard to finish the major book on the Economic Confidence Model, the New Yorker Magazine, called The Secret Cycle.

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