COMMENT: Czech government just issued the rules for when shops and services reopen (these rules are to apply until the country goes from the current 4th stage to the 1st stage – i.e. very few “cases” and pretty much no deaths… so, forever, basically):
– respirator masks obligatory for now everywhere (incl. outside); in stage 1 (i.e. when “pandemic” is basically gone, a surgical mask will still be required in all inside places!)
– social distancing and strict limitations on how many people can gather (in stage 5 only 2 people can gather together, incl. outside; in stage 4 it’s 6 people, and in stage 1 inside 100 people will be able to be together and outside 500 max… so, even when the “pandemic” is gone, no mass demonstrations etc…hmmm); PLUS, even in stage 1 everyone will have to keep “social distance” of 2 meters in all closed spaces!
– when shops, services, etc reopen people will NEED A NEGATIVE “TEST” to enter service establishments (such as hairdressers, etc), hotels and other such tourist places, restaurants, pubs and bars, etc! Plus, these tests will need to be done every 3 to 5 days (so if you stay in a hotel for a week, you’ll need to show a test at the beginning of your stay and a new one after 3-5 days!)
– just as the customers will need a “test” certificate to enter such establishments, the staff will also have to be tested every few days (the “test” requirement is only to be dropped in stage 1… i.e. pretty much never, because they’ll always manufacture enough “cases” via mass testing)
– cultural events (theater, cinema, etc), when they reopen, will also require everyone to show a negative test certificate
– testing will also be required (as it already is) in workplaces and schools
Back in October when Slovakia introduced this forced periodic testing, I knew it was to be implemented in many/most other countries (at least in the EU). And, sure enough, now several countries are already doing the same (incl. Austria, Slovenia, now CZ, UK in certain places, some German states are running a pilot scheme too, etc).
Interestingly, the Czech rules do not at all include any stage when all restrictions will be dropped. As a minimum masks and social distancing (and limits on how many people can gather) are to stay forever, it seems.
REPLY: The world monetary system is collapsing. Governments have been borrowing with no intention of repaying anything. They are using COVID to exert total control over the population in preparation for indeed the Great Reset, which is more than just BUILD BACK BETTER in a green fashion.
This is a total reset in the planning right down to what you use for money. Welcome to the Economic Ctrl-Alt-Delete