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Head of Hungary Comes Out for Trump

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With terrorism raging in Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary came out and publicly stated that the anti-terrorism proposals of Donald Trump make him the better option for Europe and Hungary. More and more people I talk to in Europe are silently in Trump’s corner. The more intense the attacks, the stronger their support grows for Trump.

Meanwhile, Eastern European countries are openly criticizing the European Commission quite bluntly. They are warning that the EU has learned nothing from the exit of Britain. They are now demanding reform and that local parliaments should have more say in the direction of their countries. Hungary also is now calling for a radical change of refugee policy in the EU. We are witnessing the fragmentation of Europe. The refugee issue has been the defining moment. The complete failure of Merkel to have consulted other members demonstrates that one person can seriously impact all of Europe and that defeats the federalist mode.