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Is Europe Finished?

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London Tower Bridge


COMMENT: Well Marty, I guess you ever holding another WEC here in London will never happen. I feel like I am in prison.


REPLY: Europe is totally in the hands of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum which is pushing this new Global Marxist Takeover. I do not think I will ever see London again. These new laws of 10 years in prison for failing to reveal where you have been in Britain are just ruthless. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is imposing new border restrictions that could include systematic quarantine for all visitors from abroad and the use of localization and facial-recognition technology to check that people required to do so remain in isolation. I don’t think you will see American tourists watching the changing of the guard.

Meanwhile, in France, Macron is moving to impose a third lockdown with his communist medical experts and scientific government advisors demanding total lockdowns to further the total destruction of the European economy. Macron has called up 4,400 officers to enforce a 6 pm curfew in Paris amid compliance concerns.

Then Merkel in Germany said back in January that she was considering extending Germany’s lockdown until April in an effort to contain what she reportedly called the ‘British virus.’ Then on March 3rd, 2021, Germany extended its lockdown by three weeks until March 28th, yet claiming it would ease some restrictions to allow nonessential stores and other businesses to reopen in areas with relatively low infection rates.

Nero Fiddled

Europe is finished. It is totally in the hands of the World Economic Forum. Forget tourism and all of this is being imposed deliberately to destroy the economy so they can BUILD BACK BETTER. You cannot rebuild anything until you destroy it. Curiously, they have always blamed Nero for burning down Rome so he could build his Golden Palace. It looks like this time it is Klaus Schwab who I predict history will NOT treat kindly when freedom to write returns.


Kolh Dictator


Like the Euro, they never allowed the people to really vote on joining that currency in Germany. Kohl stated he acted like a dictator because he knew he would lose. This is the very same thing. They are using this virus to terrorize people so they can destroy the economy and then BUILD BACK BETTER – Green!


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It certainly appears that the British pound is still very much at risk of making new historic lows into 2022. The destruction of the British economy is just astonishing. Johnson managed to create a drop in GDP of nearly 10% in 2020 – the worst decline in 300 years. He appears to be trying to do a better job this year with hopes of creating a 15% decline.

Meanwhile, in the United States, John Kerry is the Davosman, and Biden is signing executive order after order and has never made a single speech since taking office until now with the $1.9 trillion. And that was incoherent!.  No president in history has gone this long without a national address! This begs the question who is really running the government right now? This has been the greatest fear with Biden that he is not all there and Harris, with no international experience whatsoever, is going to take the role of international relations. The Deep State is in full control and Schwab seems to have at least a few strings into the White House.