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US Set New Record for Asylum Seekers in 2023

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The Department of Homeland Security released a report to gauge the number of asylum seekers who entered the US in 2023. On the low side, the department believes 945,370 people from throughout the world managed to infiltrate America in a one-year period, breaking past all previous records.

Affirmative asylum case filings with USCIS nearly doubled from 241,280 applications in 2022 to 456,750 in 2023, the highest number on record (and covering 636,380 individuals),” the report notes. Venezuelans composed 22% of all applications, followed by Cuba at 17%, and Colombia at 8.3%. Venezuelans in particular flooded into America over 2023, with 173,190 seeking asylum in the last year compared to 15,000 in 2021. Around 2.6% of asylum seekers were unaccompanied children, thousands of whom are unaccounted for today.

California took on the most affirmative sylum seekers at 23%, followed by Texas (12%), and Virginia (10%). These three states alone saw a 37% uptick in migrants since 2022. As for those granted asylum defensively, California took in 28% on them, followed by New York (27%), and Maryland (4.4%).


About 79% of applicants illegally crossed into America before applying for asylum. They were provided that option under the Biden-Harris open border policy. The CHNV program launched by Biden-Harris in January 2023 helped to streamline these crossings, as did the CBP One app. Around 88% of migrants who applied for Lawful Permanent Residence have been approved. Now these figures are simply those who applied. Border patrol agents reported over 7 million encounters with migrants at the southern border.

Kamala Harris recently confirmed to the American public that she would not have done a single thing differently during her time in the White House, which we can only hope will be limited. She has no intention of curbing the flow migrants or protecting our borders. A vote for Harris is a vote for the deliberate invasion of America.