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Biden – Wokeness over Experience

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COMMENT: Marty; You said in passing that a Congressman asked you to “get back in the game” because they had nobody with your experience in Washington from the Cold War era. I know you laughed at that and said that was just 1991. Perhaps this clip explains why just maybe we need you more than ever. This “woke” Administration is taking us to World War III because as you have said, they are making you look like a diplomatic prophet. This is why. Wokeness over experience. This is what she actually says:

“The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify is female and a record 7 assistants to the president are LGBTQ+.”


REPLY: This is incredible. Maybe you are right. This is why the Neocons have been able to seize control. There is nobody with even common sense left in this Administration. This just confirms what I have been saying. This is historically the worst crop of world leaders I have ever seen in my 40+ years. When color and gender are more important than qualification, how can society survive? Obviously, being black and a female she ticks off two boxes and is more qualified than just a black male or a white female. Biden is proud of his statistics?

Everyone who has ever eaten a carrot has died. So, obviously, carrots must be lethal. Just Washington logic these days.