COMMENT: So Democrats and Republicans both believe that Americans are too stupid to make up their own minds about who to vote for is essentially the problem. They can be manipulated, indoctrinated, bullied and fooled. That sounds about right. They are educated but know nothing, and if they’re not educated they know even less. Isn’t that the picture of the west today. Spoiled, selfish, intolerant, the perfect conditions for the establishment of a dictatorial regime and the death of democracy, hence the success of Trump is explained.
REPLY: Those in power realize that they maintain that power only by propaganda. The economy turns down and the head of state comes out and inevitably says the economy is fundamentally sound. They have to. If they ever told the truth, people would panic. The average person wants to believe in government. They assume someone is in charge. This is the same source of the conspiracy theories about Davos or the Bilderbergs. The basic assumption is that someone is in charge when nobody is in charge – it’s all a giant bluff. That’s when I called it the Economic CONFIDENCE Model. It is always about trying to keep the confidence of the people to retain power.