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It is NOT Impossible to Impeach Trump

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Impeacment of Trump

QUESTION: Marty; Fox News said it is impossible to impeach Trump. Is that true or what?


ANSWER: This is a very complex issue. This is why I wrote this all out in a special report (priced at only $35) because it cannot be laid out properly in a blog. I pointed out that there is no rule of law. Impeaching Trump is all in the hands of the Republicans. True, all you hear is the rumbling from the Democratic activists demanding the party’s base that the leaders now press hard to impeach President Trump. But as I have warned, the elite Democrats talk a good game, but they are NOT interested in impeachment. They just want to keep that up front so everyone keeps talking about it so they can win back the Congress in 2018.

Everything depends upon the elitist Republicans like McCain and Graham who would love to impeach Trump so they can put this issue aside and keep the Congress in 2018. So the battle is not with the Democrats. Beware of the disloyal Republicans. I have gone into great detail to demonstrate that Congress is corrupt and has NEVER followed the law even once outside of Richard Nixon. What Trump did with Comey does not come remotely close to what Nixon did.