COMMENT: meine bank – volksbank düsseldorf-neuss – hat mir mein laufendes konto gekündigt,weil ich mich geweigert habe, eine maske zu tragen und zwar im
vorraum der filiale, wo sonst niemand war!
ich hatte mein med. attest vorgezeigt und daher keine maske getragen.
ich bin kunde und teilhaber der genossenschaftsbank seit 1977 und hatte
auch viele jahre mein wertpapierdepot bei diesem institut, ausserdem habe
ich als dipl. kaufmann viele auszubildenden der düsseldorfer banken und
versicherungen unterrichtet und geprüft.
mein einspruch wurde noch nicht beantwortet.
my bank – volksbank düsseldorf-neuss – canceled my current account because i refused to wear a mask in the
anteroom of the branch where nobody else was!
I had my med. certificate presented and therefore no mask worn.
i have been a customer and partner of the cooperative bank since 1977 and had
also have my securities account with this institute for many years
I as a dipl. Kaufmann many trainees from the Düsseldorf banks and
insurances informed and audited.
my objection has not yet been answered.
REPLY: This is really amazing. Based upon reliable sources, those who refuse to wear a mask are being regarded as threats to the New Socialist Green Order. There is now also a campaign to stop shaking hands and just bump elbows. All of this for a claimed virus that is no more lethal than the flu. This entire scheme is intended to reshape society for the anti-democratic movement they hope to put in place by 2024.
The structure of the European Union is the model of the future. It was deliberately designed to end democracy. The European Commission as well as the head of state NEVER stands for election. The European Parliament is the show-piece and the only entity where people are elected, but cannot overrule the Commission. This is the very model they hope to put in place with the United Nations at the top. You will have local elections only and they will have no power to resist the climate mandates from the United Nations in the very same structure that was used to create the Eurozone. We are starting to witness this type of conduct from heads of state from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and even Britain.