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US 2024 May be Our Last

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Lenin Statue Fell

This year’s election is shaping up to be decided in court rather than the ballot box. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are preparing for what will become a very heated and nasty legal battle that is certain to tear the country further apart. The mainstream media will naturally betray the country and everything the American Constitution once stood for. They will support all the illegal aliens and Kamala no matter what. When Communism fell, they tore down statues of Lenin everywhere.

The mainstream press has become the enemy of the people just as they did in Communist Russia. They seem to be married to their dogma, and we should not expect them to repent. Warner Brothers will lament the day they championed CNN. Those in the media will probably fear for their lives. As the New York Times reported on the Russian press when Communism fell:

“Can you believe that this has happened?” asked Pravda’s editor, Aleksandr A. Ilyin, who was preceded in his job by Stalin and Nikolai Bukharin, among others. “If they no longer want us, we will have to find people who do.”

Change Resisting

Nobody ever sees a change of this nature coming. However, this change heading into 2032 will also destroy Western society insofar as it is the dominant financial capital. Our Neocons are destroying Western society all for their hatred of Russians and Chinese, which will result in the financial capital of the world that the United States took from London in 1918 because of World War I; we will lose 112 years later because of World War III and the press is cheering them on. (half the 224 years cycle of political change)

The Democrats have sent this out to their fold:

“… we’re strengthening our largest-ever voter protection program to protect against Trump and his allies’ attacks on our voting rights. It’s why we’ve made a six-figure investment in the Democrats Abroad program to register and earn the votes of the nearly 9 million Americans living and serving overseas. And it’s why we’re expanding our successful virtual organizing efforts to engage and mobilize as many volunteers as we can, so you can get involved no matter where you are.”

Georgia has adopted new rules for the state’s election board, allowing members to potentially delay certification of the election over inquiries into ballot discrepancies. In Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada, the GOP has been pushing for voter rolls to be purged of non-citizens. Republicans in Nevada filed a suit to prevent mail-in ballots from being counted if they’re received after Election Day, which seems reasonable. Still, the Democrats are fighting that as well.

In the swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, we are looking at contested voting that may end up in the Supreme Court as the LEFT is so desperate to force their Marxist agenda upon all of the nation. The flooding of Europe and the United States with illegal aliens that offer nothing to society raises the goal of a specter of Dictatorship to establish their control over the people, bringing an end to equal justice for all. Class, philosophical, and religious discrimination was the goal of Karl Marx, and this has become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party, championing transgender rights over parental, religious, and cultural rights. California has adopted the same position as Joseph Stalin, that the state is the parent – not the biological parents of children. At 17, you are a child of sex trafficking because you cannot consent to sex as an 18-year-old can, but at 12, you can decide to change your sex. Nothing makes sense anymore.


2024 Election Argument

This election will be so bitterly contested that it will probably end up in the courts. Then, if a Democrat or a Republican appointed the judge rules, the loser would argue that the decision was political. There is no escaping this crisis because the LEFT knows it has been losing, and instead of questioning its philosophies, it intends to win by any means possible.

At the Democratic Convention, Biden poured gasoline on the fire that if Trump won—somehow, that is not Democratic. He said, “This will be the first presidential election since January 6th.” Biden told the crowd in his speech that on January 6th, “we almost lost everything about who we are as a country. And that threat—this is not hyperbole—that threat is still very much alive.”

The 2020_Coup

This report is $10

All the evidence shows that January 6th was a Deep State coup to shut down the challenge to any state’s count. Pelosi refused to call in the National Guard because they feared that they were Trump supporters. That is why there was a 3 hours delay. Pelosi used the event to impose an emergency rule to block any challenge to the count involving 7 states, and the Constitution required any challenge be debated on the full floor. She imposed a COVID rule restricting the number of people on the floor to just 53.

National Review Democrats Wont Certify Trump WinVox Trump is threat

Never in my entire life have I witnessed such hatred and derogatory comments dividing the country. We are reaching that point where it will be impossible to mend. Our computer that has forecast the end of the United States does not seem so far-fetched anymore. It has become impossible for a nation to stand this divided.