Nearly 50% of those who have COVID in Israel were fully vaccinated. The significance of this overlooked detail is that getting vaccinated will NOT STOP COVID. This means there will NEVER be a return to normal – it is impossible. A staff member went to a party in Miami and returned with the Delta COVID. At 25, she was sick with mild flu symptoms for 3 days – end of the story. The media continues to terrorize people and New York City has decreed that UNVACCINATED can not go out to dinner or go to any play. But if COVID is among the vaccinated, then what is the point? The vaccinated will spread it to others vaccinated. Brilliant!
More importantly, COVID is a respiratory virus. All attempts to create vaccines for coronavirus have failed. Most important is that such respiratory viruses come in the fall for that is when exposure to sun declines (Vitamin D) and our immune systems are more vulnerable – hence “flu season”. Because we have had a surge among vaccinated people in the middle of summer, this is a serious WARNING that this virus is highly unusual and the vaccines are creating a serious health issue in themselves.
This is a very important video to listen to because the information coming from the NIH, CDC, FDA, etc, is tainted and this is all supporting the agenda of Bill Gates and they are not protecting the people because they look to Gates for additional funding. The FactCheckers are not independent and CNN has already been caught saying that they create FEAR because FEAR sells! Researches in UK and Italy have found that Cholesterol drugs cut coronavirus infection by 70%. Nevertheless, the bureaucracy is fully in the hands of Gates and they are rejecting any attempt to help people that compete against his vaccines.
When Emperor Aurelian came to power, he sent in his troops to confront the bureaucrats in Rome who debased the coinage because they were robbing the treasury of silver. In the process, 7,000 people died in this battle against the bureaucratic corruption that invested Rome. This will eventually come to that one day. The corruption in these agencies is off the charts. Hoe Gates can fund ANY government agency is unbelievable!
From the very beginning, Gates has been pitching that the vaccines will eliminate COVID-19. This has been proven to be completely FALSE. So why are we locking down economies, and destroying our future because of a virus that is the equivalent of the flu and can NEVER be eradicated? Gates and his vaccine companies, in which he has a HUGE financial interest, are dominating our future and if he benefits by just $1 per shot for the world, that is $7 billion+. They are pushing booster shots now around the world because they are not working so you just keep them coming. Now they are saying you may need 5 shots. This is like medieval medicine. Keep bleeding the patient until they die and blame the disease that you did not bleed them soon enough. He stands to make far more money than anyone ever in history.
Worse still, this virus was most likely engineered and as such, it is mutating rapidly. Just as there has been over-use of antibiotics and the emergence of diseases that defeat all of our antibiotics, what Gates has been pushing as vaccines are already becoming ineffective. A number of models considering the rapid mutations imply that the dynamics of the spread of a vaccine-resistant strain in the population are increasing dramatically.
This may pose a greater risk than COVID come 2022. It is unlikely that there will be any success to developed new vaccines to meet every new mutation – hence keep giving booster shots until they die. There are others starting to look at this issue of new mutating strains that are already resistant to Gates’ miracle vaccines that were created in 2 days. The self-anointed medical doctor Bill Gates who dropped out of college is clueless about what he has unleashed or he knows what he is doing to fulfill his father’s dream of reducing the population – culling the herd of the great unwashed.
What has been unleashed on the world by those seeking to BUILD BACK BETTER to alter the world economy for climate change, just may have opened Pandora’s Box and set free upon the world an engineered virus that is far more capable of mutating faster than any before it. Only time will answer that question.