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Judicial Watch = Trump is a Political Prisoner


Did FBI Conspire to Create January 6th to Prevent Trump From Returning?

  As more and more evidence surfaces, the Deep State deliberately created the January 6th protest in the Capital. This entire affair has been deliberately staged for political purposes, giving people 5 years in prison for taking a selfie.   This video clearly shows people were there who were not with the protesters. Yet every […]

Donald Trump Will Be Convicted

  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the Democrats would have stooped to such a low position as they have by indicting Trump. This is so in-your-face political and I can GUARANTEE that Trump will be convicted and the facts will NEVER matter. New York is the MOST corrupt legal system […]

Stormy Daniels Forced to Pay Trump’s Legal Fees

Stormy Daniels, the ill-advised Jezebel, has been ordered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. Daniels would not have chosen a career in on-camera prostitution if she were smart enough to extort a former president. Someone is advising her behind the scenes. In this particular instance, Daniels attempted to […]

Why Trump’s Indictment is an Absurd Abuse of Power

Bragg has seriously exposed the core of real immoral prosecution practices that really have to stop. Let’s say you made one phone call and defrauded someone out of $100,000. You will be charged with (1) count of wire fraud. However, let’s say you had to call the person 34 times to get the same $100,000. […]

The Trump Indictment is So Bad it Shows The Lack of any Dignity Left in NY Courts

  This Indictment is an ABUSE OF POWER and it is totally in violation of the DUE PROCESS OF LAW where a citizen MUST be provided clear evidence of such a charge – fair notice. New York’s legal system VIOLATES the Constitution and is about time that the State of New York be brought to […]

The Blacklash against Indicting Trump Maybe Greater Than Anyone Thinks

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong, As I watched the media coverage of Trump’s arraignment, not guilty plea, and release of the indictment with the charges I’ve concluded as you have been arguing that we have crossed the rubicon. The 34 counts of the indictment to my legally untrained mind read as the criminalization of standard politics. […]

Trump v DeSantis

QUESTION: I thought you were supporting DeSantis. Are you switching to Trump? SH ANSWER: This is not about Trump even as an individual. A lot of people hate him for being arrogant. Put personal issues aside. If we are civilized, we do not condemn a person because we do not like him. All of that […]

Trump & the Risk of an Indictment

  QUESTION #1: Marty, What is going on over there in America? It looks like the country has completely lost its mind. Indicting Trump over such a stupid thing when our politicians over here have open mistresses and in France, you have the head of state who married his high school teacher. How about Berlusconi […]

Trump & Likely Gag Order to Create Imprisonment

Trump will now find himself silenced and whatever Free Speech he once had, will now be stripped away from him like the rest of his constitutional and human rights. We are about to witness just how corrupt our legal system truly is. This is George Soros’s puppet. Alan Bragg will now show the entire world […]