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DeSantis Confirms His Position on Ukraine

Two potential GOP candidates for the 2024 US election want to pull America out of the proxy war overseas. This sentiment is not within party lines as Neocons have infiltrated both major political parties as they profit off of war. Trump was extremely vocal about his distaste for the war and has been anti-war in […]

The Ukraine People Must Overthrow Zelensky to Save Their Country

  This is the former adviser to Zelensky, Alexey Arestovich, who quit in protest. He has publicly stated that “The west deceived Russia. They promised not to push NATO to the east, and they did. They turned Ukraine into a huge anti-Russian country. If I was in Russia’s shoes, I would have done the exact […]

Ukraine Hacks Russian TV Saying Russia is Nuked

  Ukraine is the master of Psychological Warfare. They hacked a Russian TV station to broadcast that Half of Russia has been Destroyed. They dream of killing every Russian from their Nazi Ethnic cleansing days of glory. It states: “Nuclear strike has been conducted, please go to the shelter, take your calcium iodide pills”  Red […]

US is Losing Another War – Ukraine

The United States has launched a proxy war, unconstitutionally, circumventing Congress and the American people no less the entire world. What must be understood, is that the Biden Administration, the puppet of the Neocons led now by Victoria Nuland, has brought the entire world to the brink of World War III and they have now […]

We Are on the WRONG Side of History With Ukraine

We Are on the Wrong Side of History Supporting Ukraine. We absolutely MUST end all support for Ukraine and demand the Minsk Agreement be enforced by the United Nations. Reports from both French and American soldiers who rushed there as mercenaries believing the propaganda of the Neocons against Russia have returned sickened by the fact […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine is Desperate to Create WWIII ASAP not to Lose

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine is Desperate to Create WWIII ASAP not to Lose Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Biden Given Ukraine $376 per Every American to Defeat Russia

Let’s put this insanity in perspective. Russia’s entire military spending in 2021 hit $66bn. Biden has handed Ukraine nearly TWICE the entire military budget of Russia to destroy Russia to make the dreams of the Neocons come true. He has handed Ukraine, the most corrupt country perhaps in the world, the equivalent of $376 from […]

Ukraine is the Most Corrupt Country Probably in the World

  Even Bill Gates knows about Ukraine. Anyone who defends Ukraine is a warmonger crony beholding to the Neocons or has been brainwashed by the Neocons. We should cut off ALL money for Ukraine and DEMAND that it honors the Minsk Agreement – PERIOD! That would save millions if not billions of lives and avoid […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Russia Demands West Stop Arming Ukraine Or Else

PRIVATE BLOG – Russia Demands West Stop Arming Ukraine Or Else Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Euro’s Fall Wars of Ukraine’s Disaster

PRIVATE BLOG – Euro’s Fall Warns of Ukraine’s Disaster Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit