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Details of the 2015 World Economic Conference

 Total Cost $2500 per seat This year’s conference will be really the culmination of years of work. We have been able over the years to see what is coming. Well now – it is here. This is the Big Bang. The bubble is in government, not the Private Sector. This is when it takes courage […]

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong Talk from Capitol Hill – Politics & Economics

This is a discussion focusing on the prospects of the rise of a Third Party for 2016 and what to expect overall as we approach 2015.75 – Big Bang.

Debt Forgiveness – The Seventh Year

  One does not have to be religious to find ancient texts that are curiously interesting advice with regard to history and economics. Of course the Ten Commandments states clearly that thou shalt not covet their neighbor’s goods. Yet, somehow “socialism” and “Marxism” is all about progressive taxation in every respect and taking from others […]

Total World Debt Exceeded $223 Trillion

  And people think the dollar is in trouble with US debt at $18 trillion? Hello Big Bang!

First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION

  When the Roman Empire collapsed during the reign of Gallienus (253-268AD), for the next two waves of the Economic Confidence Model (17.2 years) Rome remained in chaos. Then a general fought his way to power – Diocletian (284-305AD). During this period, inflation soared. Money really became in kind and the purchasing power of the debased […]

2015 World Economic Conference will be End of October

  The BIG BANG World Economic Conference will be hold later October/Early November 2015 in Princeton, New Jersey. Seating will be limited. We are asking regular clients to sign up now for as the movie hits and the markets move and shake, there is always the mad rush at the end. We will not be […]

Computer Maybe Right Again About 2016 Presidential Election

Our computer has been forecasting for decades now not just Big Bang will start 2015.75 that we all can see with interest rates at historic low levels matched only by historic highs in government incompetence and corruption. However, it was also forecasting that the Presidential election in 2016 will see a sharp rise in third […]

German Bond Auction a Disaster – Little Bid

Greek elections have dealt a serious blow to the confidence behind the Euro. The press has been touting the “official” position put out by Brussels to stay in their good graces. But this policy has resulted in serious misconceptions and misleading the institutions who buy bonds over the cliff much as Japan did to its […]

World Economic Conference November 2015

2015 World Economic Conference “Big Bang”   Ticket Price Includes: Conference material, Complimentary DVD, Presentation Slides, Breakfast Assortment (Saturday & Sunday), Full Lunch (Saturday & Sunday), Cocktail Reception on Saturday Night, and an opportunity to network with like-minded people. Please note: We do not have the ability to send payment confirmation e-mails outside of PayPal. Please […]

What can we do?

QUESTION: Hi Martin How can the average American prepare for 2015.75 and the coming bond market collapse? What steps can we take? Is now a good time to sell any real estate we might own in the states? The property taxes in NJ are out of control and I am looking to sell my home. Is […]