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China v USA

QUESTION: Obviously, China is not Hitler or Napoleon with dreams of conquering the world. The days of empire building are gone. China has always been the one who is invaded from the Mongols and Japanese to the Europeans. Do you see China becoming more dominant in empire building retaking Taiwan? JN ANSWER: I am working […]

Comment From China

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, Absolutely agree that the lockdown and social distancing will alter society profoundly. Notwithstanding the China’s government promoting inter-province movement, there is still lingering reluctance by the people to travel to Hubei province unless they have to. Apparently the narrative now on social media in China is to avoid Guangzhou because of some […]

Trump Blaming China Without Investigating the West?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you disagree with Trump blaming China for this virus leaking from their lab? HB ANSWER: I do not care if it was a mistaken leak from China’s lab or it was sent here by aliens intending to invade the planet. The source is irrelevant. There are also conspiracy theories that it […]

China – Sanctions & War

QUESTION: Marty; Now Lindsey Grahm is calling for sanction against China. This is starting to seem like the war drums are beating. What do you think? WH ANSWER: I am thoroughly disgusted with this entire pandemic nonsense. There is no way there is any evidence whatsoever that convinces me that this was some plot on […]

Creating the New War That will Justify the Confiscation of American Assets in China

In Europe, the EU has used this coronavirus to justify nationalizing companies if the Chinese try to invest in any. In the United States, Congress wants to enact legislation to let Americans sue China over coronavirus damages. What is astonishing about this is that it has been established law that no American can sue the […]

The Propaganda & China

COMMENT: RE China analysis Marty, It is so clear to me that you have not been exposed to the changing workforce and have always worked for yourself. How did I get laid off so many times? Jobs sent to China. We have been in an economic war with China for at least 2 decades with […]

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the Wuhan Lab because of a lack of security. There are some who want to file lawsuits against China in the USA, Britain, and India for damages. Xi […]

China & the Allegations of Cover-up

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I agree that the response to the coronavirus is agenda driven in the US and Europe. I lost my friend to the virus yesterday, but I still recognize that the death rate, especially in the US, is not statistically significant and destroying the economy is not warranted. I am curious though, about […]

USD v China

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You were completely right, as always, about the USD rally. When we get closer to 2032 and thus closer to China being the number 1 economy of the world, will the CNY take over the position of the USD. Apparently in Asia people are already accepting more and more CNY in favor of […]

Behind the Headlines from China

This is a direct communication from our staff in China. This is what I mean when I say we have boots on the ground around the world. We do not need to rely on newspapers or TV who love to spin these events. Our direct sources are confirming that life is returning to normal in […]