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Bitcoin Transactions Coming Under Serious Restrictions in Europe/Middle East

We have been battling in Europe over our report produced by Socrates on Bitcoin which the banks seem to be throwing into the same category as banned countries. Below is an excerpt from the clearing bank in Europe which is even banning Israel putting it in the same category as Iran and North Korea. The […]

Market Talk – August 13, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has called for protecting Xi Jinping as difficulties mount for China. Both Xi and the CCP are under pressure due to widespread domestic criticism and the poor economic situation, in addition to the debilitating punitive actions inflicted almost each week against China by the United States. An editorial published […]

Why MMT is Governments’ Option of Choice

We have reached the point of no return. Governments will find it IMPOSSIBLE to constantly roll their national debts as we enter 2021. Any attempt at paying down the public debt or moving into surplus would be catastrophic and undermine the entire world economy. Who are we kidding? The tax burden on each generation will […]

China Seizes all Bitcoin Bank Accounts

Chinese police have frozen several thousand accounts of Bitcoin traders during an extensive crackdown on illicit activities, which includes transferring money out of the country as well as tax evasion. We must realize that the PRESUMPTION that we have free markets and that somehow a cryptocurrency is outside of the government fiat system is all […]

The New Norm – Social Distancing Forever

In discussions behind the curtain, it appears that there is also a hidden agenda to embrace Bill Gates’ virus for the purpose of suppressing our freedom. The Marxist Socialist Model that took over the world beginning with the Progressive Era at the turn of the 19th century is collapsing.   The unfunded liabilities and the […]

How Taxes Will Make COVID-19 Vanish

COMMENT:  Is there a tax that I can pay to stop Covid-19, or does that only work for climate change ? 🙂 KL REPLY: No worries. They got that covered. Cash is dirty now. If you touch it you will die. I am sure they are working on a virus that flourishes with gold or […]

Why Flattening the Curve is Overrated

COMMENT: Hey, Martin. Thanks for your models and the key insights. My wife, who is an ER nurse, came across this article recently. She read about 90% out loud to me as she believes, based upon her medical knowledge and overall disgust with the hysteria around COVID-19, that this post gives some great perspective on […]

Will the Virus Kill Fiat Currencies?

QUESTION: The goldbugs hate you, but they read you. Now they are claiming that the virus will kill fiat currencies. My question is simple. If the government cancels the paper currencies and moves everything to digital, what is the difference? Isn’t that still their claimed fiat currency? PG ANSWER: Yes. They refuse to surrender their […]

Germany to Suspend Democracy for One Year as State of Emergency?

  The Bundestag will declare the epidemic case on Wednesday, according to Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt. Germany is moving to declare a state of emergency for ONE YEAR on Wednesday, 3/25/2020. We are witnessing the collapse of democracy and the rise of authoritarian governments. They realize that they were on the edge of collapse. […]

The Democrat’s Plot Against Americans

The coup that has been waged from the left against the right is an all-out global political war. They succeeded in bringing Germany to its knees and surrender its culture of austerity. Here in the United States, the Democrats have coordinated with these dark forces seeking not only same-day registration to allow illegal aliens to […]