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So What Was the ECM September 2014 Turning Point?

  The 2014.675 turning point in the Economic Confidence Model seems to have pinpoint the shift in capital flows. The US dollar is rising and this may yet move into a serious rally that will have the politicians in turmoil have some even talking about protectionism again since morons never learn a lesson. You have […]

Are Meteors Included in the ECM?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Just to probe your theory further, If a meteor were to hit New York and wipe out Wall Street would your predictions on ECM still be intact? Don’t tell me even meteors also are part of cycle to choose when to hit the earth 🙂 Best wishes, S ANSWER: Honestly, the answer to […]

GMW v Market Forecasting & ECM

 There are three complete different core models that we are employing that are absolutely totally unique and the interesting thing is when they CONVERGE – not that they have anything in common otherwise. The Economic Confidence Model is a business cycle and that has been tested back to at least 600BC. It shows the rise […]

ECM Historical Dates

  Those that ask about the Dates of the Economic Confidence Model going back in time and forward should look at the page under the model that provides that data. The calculation is 3.145 years from the peak of each wave so 63.55 = 66.695

Coming ECM Book & 64 Year Gold Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I´m writing to you from Santiago of Chile, to congratulate you for your amazing research, about the Economic Confidence Model and to ask you: 1. What is the correct model to predict the uptrends and downtrends of the Spot Gold Index?. 2.- What are the main differences between the E.C.M. […]

ECM 8/7/2013 Turning Point

A number of question have been directed at what will this turning point produce. This should not be a major high or low in the major markets. What we should see is a mental shift develop at this stage in the game. In the case of 1987, there was a major high that formed first […]

ECM – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Has the ECM failed to predict events in the past? If so, which ones and were you able to modify to address the flaw? If not, what event(s) would need to occur to disprove the validity of the ECM? Best Regards, Kyle ANSWER: No. It is a composite of everything, not anything […]

August 7th – ECM

The August 7th turning point is starting to be picked up on our weekly models in many markets. The bounce so far out of the week of 5/20 is flat so far. This tends to warn what will not bounce reverses hard. So we may still be looking at new lows in the metals for […]

Understanding the ECM

Perhaps the greatest misconception about the Economic Confidence Model is that it is somehow the only model. This is simply not true. This model tracks the global economy and the flow of capital around the world. It is when capital concentrates within a single market, sector, and region, that we get the big Phase Transition […]

Understanding the ECM

The key to comprehending the Global Economy lies in the realization that we are not alone. Everything is connected in an intricate dynamic nonlinear network where the slightest change in one region can set in motion a ripple effect of dramatic proportions around the world. Understanding this dynamic nonlinear global network is the first step […]