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Bitcoin Transactions Coming Under Serious Restrictions in Europe/Middle East

We have been battling in Europe over our report produced by Socrates on Bitcoin which the banks seem to be throwing into the same category as banned countries. Below is an excerpt from the clearing bank in Europe which is even banning Israel putting it in the same category as Iran and North Korea. The […]

PRIVATE BLOG – European Banks Under Stress & Markets

PRIVATE BLOG – European Banks Under Stress & Markets Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & Euro Close for July 2020

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & Euro Close for July 2020 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Europe Exploding into Civil Unrest – The Start of Revolutionary Cycle – 2020

Politicians are about to be confronted with the harsh reality of their insane lockdowns in Europe. Germany now realizes there is building massive civil unrest and there is no doubt that this New Green World Order is out to end the car industry which is a major industry the will leave the workers without a […]

Europe & Coming Capital Controls

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In your blog on ECB vs Fed, you stated in your conclusion; “The ECB is trapped. It cannot raise rates to raise money and it has destroyed its bond market. The only way out is to default on all debt and they will do that by declaring it to be now […]

7.7 Earthquake in Mexico, Cold Weather Affect Crops in Europe, & Volcanoes in Indonesia Erupting

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake’s magnitude was 7.7, while Mexico’s seismological institute put its strength at 7.1. Quakes of such size can be devastating. Historically, when strong earthquakes hit this region, we tend to see smaller quakes hit in the New York City area. Meanwhile, the Indonesia volcano Mount Merapi’s is also starting […]

European Civil Unrest Erupting in Germany & the Netherlands

Riots are erupting all over Europe. In Stuttgart, a total of 400 to 500 people participated in the riots since Sunday night with 19 police officers injured. The same is unfolding in the Hague in the Netherlands. These politicians know nothing about human nature. Our studies of time and riots warned that a simple correlation […]

The Wealth Tax in Europe and Canada

Both Canada and the EU are listening to Thomas Piketty and the World Economic Forum by pushing this socialist agenda to take over the world economy. There are major difficulties with the imposition of a wealth tax. The question becomes, how do you value a home and an entire family’s wealth or business? How do […]

German Debt Grows by €412 Billion Euros

Germany’s debts are growing by almost half a trillion euros this year due to the corona crisis — and have thus reached a new historical high. In 2019, the Germany public debt was €2.053 trillion euros ($2.3 trillion dollars), which was decreasing marginally by about €145 billion since 2018. This amount worked out to be […]

Spain’s New Rule: Masks & Social Distancing or 100 Euro Fine

Spain’s new rules when their lockdown ends require masks to be worn at all times, even in 100-degree weather (40+), with the penalty of a 100 euro fine. It is clear that Spain is on the Gates agenda. It appears that Gates has conquered Europe. Spain will begin guaranteed basic income, which is in preparation […]