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G20 to Change Status of Bank Accounts = Investments

Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist all members collect more taxes. This year, according our sources, they are now going to address the behind-the-curtain banking failure. Tomorrow, there will be at least […]

Bail-In v Bail-Out

The stark difference that is being marketed behind the curtain is that taxpayers should not be burdened with bailing-out banks. Depositors and bond holders should be made to pay as in any other situation. The “bail-in” v taxpayer-funded “bail-out”, is a philosophy that is sweeping the entire political system. But there is a serious problem. […]

Crisis Collapse in World Capital Flows

QUESTION: Marty; You have emphasized how you track world capital flows and conducted your research even in the flows of capital and disparity of interest rates between regions in the Roman Empire. You have mentioned that liquidity has collapsed and that capital has fled from emerging markets that is also putting pressure on Russia before […]

Our Greek Tragedy – Endless Repetition

QUESTION: I have followed you for decades and use adaptions of your theories in my trading. However there seems to be some contradictions in the way you analyse the world. Like me, you see developments as cyclical. Yet, and this what I find strange, you criticise players for what is happening, when they are just pawns to the cycles. […]

Corruption in Government is Massive Worldwide

The real cost of corruption runs well into the trillions of dollars when we consider the degree of bribery that even suppresses prosecution of the banks that have abused proprietary trading to undermined the entire world economy. A European report on corruption is out and that puts the cost in Europe at €120 billion, yet the […]

Wildcat Banks

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank and caused a depression and sovereign debt defaults appears to be a different view than what is talked about in the gold community. Could you explain your […]

Volcker Rule Begins

The banks lobbied hard against re-instituting Glass-Steagall arguing that this would be the end of Commercial and Investment Banking. Why Congress even bought that nonsense one need only pick up the rug and see the amount of donations that were made. Glass-Steagall went into effect is 1934 and was in place until 1999. The commercial […]

Buy the Rumor Sell the News

Merkel’s victory was really a signal that the Euro Crisis will not be over and that if anything the current direction of Europe will merely pick up speed downhill. The positive thing for the euro is that perhaps we can now go into hyper-drive to get this Sovereign Debt Crisis in the open. The likelihood of […]

Summer’s Withdrawal – No Surprise

QUESTION: You said all along Yellen would be in. Why? ANSWER: The markets have cheered the news that Larry Summers would not replace outgoing Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. On the Hill, both the Republicans and Democrats were deeply skeptical of Summers because of his connection with the bankers and many blamed him for the 2007-2009 financial […]

Changing the Culture of NY Investment/Commercial Bankers

Far too often we quickly forget history – even recent events of just a few years ago. It was on April 27, 2010 during the Senate’s permanent subcommittee on investigating Wall Street’s latest crisis, that the most memorable moment burst onto the scene. Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan held up an e-mail that had been written almost […]