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African Leaders Aim to Implement Global Carbon Tax

The Africa Climate Summit hosted in Kenya focused on how the world can manipulate the weather through taxation. In no way due to geography or distance to the equator, African leaders honed in on how Africa faces numerous climate-related challenges such as desertification, drought, rising temperatures, and cyclones. “To achieve the necessary emissions reduction targets […]

Soros Sets Focus on Defeating Trump

They simply cannot bring Donald Trump down as his supporters are extremely loyal. The globalist elite are in a panic – if the inditement doesn’t work, Trump will come out swinging with a vengeance. Trump has already vowed to prosecute all responsible for this fake witch hunt. Perhaps they underestimated the overwhelming amount of support […]

Crime Rose 82% in Chicago in 2 Years – Controlled Chaos in Blue Cities

It was hard to imagine a mayor WORSE than Lori Lightfoot, but Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson managed to surpass her in corruption and crime as Chicago crumbles. Johnson’s first three months on the job, compared to Lightfoot’s, saw 4,321 more car thefts, 41 more murders, and 38 more deadly shootings. Crime in Chicago is up […]

The Public’s Top if not ONLY Concern…

@evolvetruth Will we stand up? #Corecore #Costofliving #Wages #Capitalism #Leftist #Conservative ♬ original sound – Evolving Truth   INFLATION The public is not concerned about “Russian aggression,” the Trump inditement, or even the MSM wrench about aliens. No one cares — the average person is struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. […]

Mercedes-Benz Disconnects from Russia

As my readers know, part of the Great Reset is to eliminate private car ownership under the premise of climate change. But technology has become a new tool that manufacturers and the global elite can use to limit the freedom of movement. German automaker Mercedes-Benz recently declared that Russians will be removed from their software. […]

Gen X No Longer Saving for Retirement

(click on the image above for a clear view) A new survey by Clever Real Estate shows that 64% of Gen Xers have stopped saving for retirement. These are the people born between 1965 and 1980. Retirement has become a luxury, and people are working well into their golden years out of necessity. The cost […]

Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a false perception” that he was involved in their organization. The WEF attempted to list Ramaswamy as a Young Global Leader but he denied their invitation. After repeatedly asking the […]

WEF Study–‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities was released in September 2022, and you were part of the test group. The WEF-funded “research” states cities account for 75% of all carbon emissions. As countless governments abandoned their morality to the Great Reset, cities are on track to reduce emissions by nearly half in […]

Schwab’s Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns

Nicole Schwab, the offspring of World Economic Forum mastermind Klaus Schwab, admitted that COVID was simply a precursor for coming climate lockdowns. In the leaked video above from a June 2020 panel discussion in Switzerland, Nicole comments that COVID proved the world could strongly shift once people felt an extreme threat to their livelihoods. She […]

Operation Acoustic Kitty

The Central Intelligence Agency has a long history of spying on Americans. People think of the old Soviet Union or North Korea as examples of extreme government surveillance measures, but it happens right here in the Land of the Free. A reader wrote in about this topic, and I can confirm it is not a […]