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Hillary: Queen of Rage & State Department Cover-ups

The State Department is deeply involved in criminal activity. They are trying to steer the FBI into a deal to cover-up Hillary’s emails by changing classifications to support her insistence that nothing was classified. This campaign is just getting insane. Then there is the Clinton retaliation against Matt Lauer for daring to ask her […]

Sex Tapes on Bill Clinton Now & Hillary’s Sex Romps? What Next?

  This is turning out to be the most insane presidential election probably in world history. Now ANONYMOUS says there is a sex tape of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old girl on Epstein’s orgy island that has been documented that Bill Clinton flew to for more than 20 trips and ordered his secret service […]

CNN Shows it’s Bias Warning People it’s Somehow Illegal to Possess the Hillary Emails Chris Cuomo at CNN is showing how to use word in a very misleading way. His father and brother were both NY governors, so he was born and raised in a DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL FAMILY. Mario Matthew Cuomo was an American Democratic politician WHO WAS FAIRLY WELL KNOWN and once touted as a potential President. […]

Trump v Hillary White House

QUESTION: Marty; As you have always said you are not Republican or Democrat because both parties are corrupt and the scandals seem to be endless on both sides. Hillary scandals involve money and Trump women, not unlike Bill. In many ways, this is like the Clintons, sex v money. So what do you really think […]

Wikileaks – Hillary Just Take the Money & Deny Everything

“Marc made a convincing case to me this am that these sorts of restrictions don’t really get you anything…that Obama actually got judged MORE harshly as a result. He convinced me. So…in a complete U-turn, I’m ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks. Are you guys ok with that?” Wikileaks latest dump

Hillary’s Speech at Goldman Sachs Praised Her as “courageous” for Defending Them

Hillary Clinton has refused to release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts for which she earned millions of dollars giving paid speeches. Besides the $945,744.00 Goldman donated to the Clinton Foundation (making sure it was under $1 million), they also paid Hillary $675,000 for just speaking at Goldman Sachs, which was clearly a pay-off for there is […]

Hillary’s Staff Called Catholics “Severely Backwards”, Jews Bastards, and It’s Just Total Chaos

The Wikileaks batch of email on Hillary are blowing the doors off of everything normal. Hillary Clinton’s campaign spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri, in the hacked emails reveals that Palmieri and other Clinton allies’ hold very low opinions of Catholics. Hillary’s staff said Catholics are “severely backwards” and further demeaned them saying they don’t know “what the hell they’re […]

Hillary Admits Saudi Arabia funds ISIS Yet Takes Money From Them for the Clinton Foundation

Wikileaks has produced an email that shows Hillary Clinton routinely discussed things that should have been on a secure server. Hillary sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta back in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama. In this email, she said Saudi Arabia and Qatar were both giving financial and logistical […]

Hillary Wages Gender War in Addition to Class and Race Wars

Many readers keep writing in to ask what is my personal opinion with all the latest row centering on Trump and women. The Washington Post in digging up old tapes of Trump and destroying the entire election process. Who has not said something stupid 20 years before? Nobody will run for office if this is what […]

Republicans Call for Trump to Bow Out of Election Confirming They Are Conspiring With Hillary

If there was ever proof that the Republican elite want Hillary to win, you just got it. The  video published by the Washington Post showing Trump having a vulgar discussion about a number of women is indeed over the top and something you would expect from a locker-room banter. Trump himself had to admit he […]