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Market Talk – December 17, 2019

ASIA: China and Russia have proposed reducing sanctions on North Korea so that they can ease back into global trade and help denuclearization talks. However, the US disagreed saying that any reduction in sanctions would be premature as they believe North Korea is escalating tensions in the region. Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das […]

The Whistle-Blower’s Lawyer Called for a Coup back in 2017 Against Trump – That’s Impartial?

The attorney for the claimed whistleblower against President Donald Trump that the Democrats are desperate to try to hide his identity, Mark Zaid, defended his tweets calling for a “coup” against President Trump. Zaid claims to be nonpartisan but he is obviously not when he calls for a coup against the president of the United […]

Market Talk – October 15, 2019

ASIA: China talked positively about trade with the US, saying they will step up purchases of US agricultural products. Chinese foreign minister Geng Shuang stated that the US and China are on the same page to reach a deal. He mentioned how a deal will have an importing meaning to world and will be beneficial […]

Market Talk – October 3, 2019

ASIA: President Donald Trump said today that the Chinese delegation would be visiting the US next week for more trade talks. He also expressed that they are doing well. “I have a lot of options on China. But if they don’t do what we want, we have tremendous power,” he told media. Hong Kong’s authority […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

Corruption is Pervasive & Standard Operating Procedure

COMMENT: I read your post on Trump, Jr. and it does appear obvious that there is no investigation into the whole Maginsky Act and why are Trump Jr.’s lawyers not exposing this more? It seems that corruption only really exists when it always involves government. KA ANSWER: Corruption is a huge problem in all governments […]

Interview: You Need Two Years Worth of Food

Click here to watch my latest interview on USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: “Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing.  Spoiler alert:  It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank.  I asked Armstrong if the US government could default […]

Four More Years PAUSE – Is Cognitive Impairment a Disqualification?

NOW – Biden: "Four more years. Pause." — (@disclosetv) April 24, 2024 The world is receiving a disturbing lesson in dementia and cognitive decline as we watch Joe Biden wither away in real-time. Biden yet again exposed that he is barely capable of reading off of the teleprompter – “Four more years – […]

Rumble to Build Cloud Service to Fight Censorship

The video-sharing platform Rumble is set to launch a new cloud service, which they deem a service for the “free and open internet.” Global governments are increasingly cracking down on what videos may or may not be viewed by the public. Censorship is a major problem in every nation as our access to information becomes […]

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. […]