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Fed Repo Funding for Year-End

QUESTION #1: Marty, I read the Repo report. I understand why you will not discuss this publicly. OMG, nobody seems to have a clue about the truth behind this crisis. What do you think of this latest claim that the Fed will inject $500 billion for the year-end? This seems to be the same yelling […]

BIS & Repo The Report

Learn the truth behind the Repo Crisis and what may unfold as the Mother of all Financial Crises.

European Banks to be Prohibited from Dealing in Repo?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I have great respect for your work. Can you explain how the Fed’s QE fits into the cycle of things. It seems to me that their interference in the markets is disrupting/altering the cycle. For example, the latest Fed purchases of T-bills every month in the amount of $60. Who are they […]

Is the Fed Monetizing Debt with the Repo Market? Or is this the Mother of All Financial Crises?

QUESTION: There are people claiming that Fed cannot buy directly from the Treasury and they are buying the same day issue in this Repo Crisis so that means they are monetizing the debt because foreigners are fleeing us Debt. This seems to lack any real substance and is nothing but opinion once again. Would you […]

Liquidity Crisis & the Pending European Banking Crisis

  A lot of people have been writing in about the liquidity crisis and the banks with exposure to Deutsche Bank. This is clearly the European Banking Crisis we have been warning about. Most European (and Swiss) banks are having to overpay 30-40bps over libor. Even A+ rated banks are having to pay this premium.   […]

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75 billion per day. Additionally, they plan to offer three two-week repo operations of up to $30 billion each round. The constant intervention of the Federal Reserve into the […]

Did the Fed Begin Secret Bailouts in 2007 Before Anyone Knew of the Pending Crisis?

  When the GAO report came out on the Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, it uncovered a secret $16 trillion feeding tube from the Fed structured as revolving, low-cost loans to any bank (foreign or domestic) teetering on the edge. Amazingly, the audit showed the Fed started the loans in December 2007 – long before […]

The Illinois Pension Crisis – Giving The Pensioners All State Assets

The new proposal in Illinois is for the state to transfer its assets so that they are owned, not by the people, but by the state employees. These proposals will never solve the problem because no one will look at the issue long-term. If they hand ownership to state employees they still run out of […]

The European Crisis of Philosophy is the Destruction of the European Union

The entire project of creating the Euro was a means to allow Northern Europe to effectively takeover Southern Europe and impose its philosophy in a totally one-sided arrangement. I have stated plenty of times that all the debts of member states should have been consolidated into the central Euro debt and thereafter each state would […]

China & the Hidden Debt Crisis in the Provinces

The Sovereign Debt Crisis in China among the provisional governments is alive and well. The off-balance sheet government liabilities in the regions amounted to an estimated 40 trillion yuan which is almost $6 trillion. Some are calling this a “gigantic credit risk” which is a hidden liability. This represents 60% of  GDP which bypasses the […]