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Half of EV Owners Experience Buyers’ Remose

Consumers have been reluctant to make the switch to Electric Vehicles, and nearly half who have experienced buyer’s remorse. A new study by McKinsey & Co.’s Mobility Consumer Pulse polled 37,000 EV owners globally, 46% of whom said they are “very likely” to switch back to the combustion engine when purchasing their next vehicle. One […]

The Trump vs Biden Debate on June 27th, 2024

  Here are the arrays from around the world, and they do show a shift for the 27th when we will witness CNN’s corrupt attempt to interfere in the 2024 election. This is all part of the cycle for the Decline & Fall of the United States and all of the West, for that matter. […]

Does the SCOTUS Support Capital Gains Taxes?

The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic nuclear disaster. The Democrat-appointed Supreme Justices believe that Moore v. United States does not exceed Congress’s Constitutional authority to tax unrealized gains. America’s entire future is on […]

The Western Mainstream Press – Just Want War

COMMENT: Marty: Hello from the UK across the pond. Nigel Farage has come out and said what you have been reporting all along – that the West started this war. You can certainly tell you are friends. BK REPLY: It is interesting how little intelligence exists in the mainstream media. There are just no independent […]

The Greatest Salesman Who Ever Lived?

“I think Zelensky may be the greatest salesman of any politician who ever lived. Every time he comes to our country he walks away with $60 billion dollars and I like him!” Donald Trump said during a rally over the weekend. As a fellow businessman, Trump joked that he liked Zelensky for “The Art of […]

Lindsey Graham on the Real Reason Behind Ukraine

  What happened to the story that “Putin attacked Ukraine unprovoked, and Ukraine was just defending itself, etc”? Now, suddenly, the problem is the natural resources in Donbas, not Ukraine itself. The first victim in war is always the truth. These people have NEVER told the truth about any war EVER!!!!!! I have stated before […]

Save American Power Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) has introduced “Clean Power Plan 2.0” to eliminate new construction on natural gas-fired power plants and force coal-powered plants to close. This is part of the Biden-Harris plan to adhere to future net zero target emissions to combat the fabricated lie of climate change at the expense of the American […]

Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

The defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive […]

Do You Know How to Trade a Panic?

Knowing how to trade amid a panic is one of the most important skills a trader can master, and those who have done it correctly have profited in recent years. This is where the greatest amount of money is both won and lost. Few traders over the decades have really mastered this fine art. It […]

My Letter to President Trump – March 2020 – Dawn of COVID Lockdowns

President Donald Trump                                                                                     March 19, 2020 White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20500   Dear Mr. President, As an economist with a proven track record, I have been called in by former presidents, world leaders, and central banks around the world during crises since 1985. I was summoned for help during […]