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Did the US Try to Trick China into Invading Taiwan?

Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that that the United States made an attempt to provoke him into invading Taiwan. Xi is attempting to explain to the world that the Neocons in the West have become the aggressors. He said he will not take the bait, for now, but the West continues to instigate global warfare. […]

North Korea and Russia Join Forces

If there is one country that the West and Japan fear more than Russia, it is North Korea. Dictator Kim Jong-Un repeatedly threatens nuclear warfare, but that is his last grip on power as he knows his nation would be overtaken instantly if the threat did not exist. North Korea rolled out the red carpet […]

Taiwan’s Defense Strategy – US Protection

Taiwan’s new administration under President Lai Ching-te has been extremely vocal in its distaste for the One China policy. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) campaigned on the promise of sovereignty and patriotism. No other president has been this outspoken about China’s control over the small nation that clearly cannot defeat China independently. Yet there is […]

Why is Keynesian Economics Collapsing?

John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” argued aggregate demand was too volatile to be stable and would lead to inflation or recessions. His theory honed in on spending as a means of price control. Low aggregate demand, Keynes argues, would lead to high unemployment and stagflation. […]

Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

The defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive […]

World War III by 1st Week of September 2024?

Macron faces a serious collapse in confidence among the French and he too desperately needs to create war. He is pushing NATO to send in troops. They already have “advisers” there and Russia knows that the Brits are in Ukraine firing the missiles for Ukrainians are not competent. Likewise, Ukraine is incapable of sinking Russian […]

Bankers & Interest

The history of interest rates is provided on this site. Interest rates in a developed economy reflect the “option” value on the expected decline in purchasing power of money. If I expect it to decline by 5%, then I expect a profit, and say want 8%. You in turn will pay the 8% only if […]

Taiwan’s New President Speaks Out Against One China Policy

Taiwan President Lai Ching-te is beginning his reign by condemning the One China policy and calling upon Beijing to allow the nation to be an independent democracy. A “glorious era of Taiwan’s democracy has arrived,” the president stated in his inaugural address, adding that Taiwan is an “important link [in a] global chain of democracies.” […]

Zelensky – Dictator for Life – Investors Get Out – Ukraine Will No Longer Exist after 2027

Many Ukrainians see Volodymyr Zelensky as a dictator who has betrayed his own country for a handful of silver. From tomorrow, May 20th, Zelensky’s presidential term is formally at an end—but no new elections will be held as long as Ukraine is under martial law because he would be overwhelmingly voted out. He preaches that […]

The London ECM Next Weekend

  We have reached a critical crossroads in the world economy. May 7th, 2024, was a profound turning point that changed the course of events as they are starting to unfold. We will be covering Europe, economically and geopolitically, and the rush for a war that will justify not just digital IDs, but capital controls; […]