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Floating Cities – Can They Escape Taxes & Crime

Floating cities in the sea are getting closer to reality at the Seasteading Institute. Futurists are already thinking about the founding of cities on the high seas. While the original argument was all about when population growth would make land so scarce we would have to move to the oceans, they never counted on cycles. The population […]

Socialism Contradicts Freedom of Religion – Why Amish do not Pay Social Security Taxes

In 1935, Roosevelt introduced “The Social Security Act” which passed Congress. However, the act was described “Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.” At first, the Act covered only industry and commerce. It was later extended to include farm operators in 1955. The SS tax was to be at the rate of 3% of income up to […]

Trump – Taxes – World Capital Flows

QUESTION: I wonder if you might clear something up regarding the fabled corporate cash hoard parked overseas? Must this be held in non-USD form thus taking an FX risk,albeit presumably hedged? I gather any USD parked in a foreign bank is immediately transferred to a US bank, likely in NYC — would this be regarded as repatriation? I […]

Are they Using Hurricanes to Support Climate Changes Taxes?

Reporting from Florida, it is starting to smell like something is really rotten with these weather forecasts. The morning Hermine hit Florida on the West Coast, cross into the Atlantic and turned north, I was swimming in the ocean and there were plenty of surfers there as well. I then got dress and headed for the […]

Germany About to Raise Property Taxes Significantly

The greatest problem with real estate is you cannot pick up and leave. The Federal Council in Germany is planning to re-evaluate the approximately 35 million homes in Germany. It is now expected that the result is likely to be a significant increase in the property tax. Administrative expenses for the state fund-raising action is very significant and […]

The Hunt for Taxes is Unleashed in Africa

Nigeria has begun the hunt for taxes as they target 700,000 firms as the country is desperate to look for more revenue as its income from oil has collapsed. Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy and it has entered its first recession in more than 20 years as overspending produces only higher taxes, not economic reform. […]

Canadians Officially Pay More on Taxes Than Food

It’s official. Canadians now spend more on taxes than they do on food, housing, and clothing. Well, politicians have to eat first. Their kids have to be educated to rule their generation. The Fraser Institute has calculated that the average Canadian family now pays $34,154 in taxes in total, which includes all the “hidden” business taxes […]

Hillary & Death Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, my family was always farmers. When the death tax was imposed by Democrats, little by little with each generation we had to sell something to pay the taxes. Hillary in Detroit said Trump should not have $4 billion and the state should have got it all. This is money already taxed numerous […]

Capital Flows & the Shift to USA for Taxes

Since the publication of the Panama Papers, the assets of the wealthy from around the world have been flowing into United States at a sharply increased pace. Tracking capital flows has revealed that capital outflows of liquidity from the EU have distinctly accelerated. The United States is definitively becoming the replacement for Switzerland. The IRS has even […]

EU Wants to Charge Social Security Taxes on Robots As If They Were People

Japan’s Toshiba 6502.T robot has taken on human form and visitors to the world’s biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot. Under new proposed European legislation that is clearly intended to stop technology advancement, the growing army of robot workers are to be classed as “electronic persons” and their owners would then be liable […]