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Just Hold On

  A ton of emails are coming in from holding dollars by Europeans to is it time to move assets to China. As long as Trump does not concede which is really a surrender in military terms which this transition of power really is based upon, then the game is still afoot. The object is […]

Was Napoleon the real Father of the European Union? Or Was it Julius Caesar?

Napoleon had actually summoned the best minds and talents from all over Europe into his service. His court was deliberately filled with able men from all over Europe: Dutch, German, Italian, and even Polish. These foreigners worked in the highest offices of his imperial civil service. It was actually Napoleon who created the first single […]

Confrontation if Washington – Is there a Solution?

In the Washington pro-Trump rally Black-clad members of the group Refuse Fascism became violent as speeches got underway. Punches were exchanged. This is simply what we face going forward. These people do not even know what Fascism is. Nevertheless, they like the label and use it anyway. They obviously never bothered to just Google what […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2020

ASIA: China has extended congratulations to the US president-elect, Joe Biden, becoming one of the last countries to acknowledge his electoral victory over Donald Trump. On Friday, nearly a week after Biden was declared the winner, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin commended the Democratic candidate and his running mate, Kamala Harris. Indian states are expected […]

The Fate of Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION: Can you please answer the important question that everyone is wondering about? If we go to a digital currency then what will become of bitcoin and all of the others? I am thinking that they would not want the competition and would then outlaw all other cryptos. Can you please share your thoughts on […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Did Ukraine & Romania Alter the US Election for Biden?

  On February 10, 2020, ahead of the election, the Department of Justice charged Chinese hackers for taking the identity of 145 million Americans. Here we have a Romanian intelligence officer coming forward saying that they have access to the IDs of 50 million Americans to engage in voter fraud. With all the IDs that […]

The Prospects of Trump & Will Democrats Split

QUESTION: I have two questions. First do you think there is any chance of this vote being reversed? Second, do you think the Democrats will split by 2022? WK ANSWER: This is extremely difficult. It will take the Supreme Court to stand up for what is right. As another client writes in: “Epstein didn’t kill […]

The Future & Chaos

COMMENT #1: Marty, Does this all mean that this takeover can make the canceling of physical USD possible, maybe as soon as January to line up with Europe? Previously you responded to my email question on a digital dollar and said that they couldn’t do that since over 70% of cash was held overseas. Can this […]

Georgia to Decide the Fate of the Nation?

In Georgia, both U.S. Senate races will head to a runoff election in early January since no candidate surpassed 50% of the votes cast. Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff will no go into a runoff that could flip the Senate to the Democrats. The other race, a special Senate election called […]