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Division of Pure Hatred

QUESTION: Dear Marty Are we indeed witnessing this divide between socialists/Marxists and conservatives/sensible people worldwide not just in the USA? Is this the last worldwide battle against marxism (anti-God)? Look at Brazil. No different. In the protests yesterday several Lula supporters actually ran over Bolsonaristas who were protesting in the street. At least 5 were […]

No COVID Amnesty

  The Atlantic wrote a piece about declaring pandemic amnesty. “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” Emily Oster wrote. I will not forgive what was done and the permanent damage the COVID zealots caused to the global economy. This was not […]

Tell Vlad I’ll Have more Flexibility after the Election

“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” – President Barack Obama This damning and impeachable offense has been forgotten. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev nominated Vladamir Putin as prime minister, but the two men worked jointly to head Russia. Barack Obama was running for his second term in 2012 and […]

Twitter – The New Wild West for Free Speech

All eyes are on Twitter after Elon Musk acquired the company for $44 billion. Musk took Twitter public but plans to make it available to shareholders in another five years as he believes he can reach one billion subscribers by that time. The eccentric billionaire began his takeover by bringing an actual kitchen sink to […]

Davos in the Desert

  Some of the biggest players have gathered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the annual Future Investment Initiative (FII). The conference is often referred to as “Davos in the Desert,” as they are competing with the World Economic Forum to be the largest economic conference of the year. Washington’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is at […]

Biden is Not President

  COMMENT:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, as to the below “Blog/ Corruption” …. and then there is Canada – the next door neighbor … who could have avoided a North American oil crisis … but it’s Pipeline was shut down by Biden to spite Trump …. but no mention of this any-wheres … (not here either […]

Biden Has Ensured the Fall of the USA

QUESTION: Marty, do you think that electric cars should be avoided? What do you see for the future? Biden looks like he has undermined Israel all over pleading for low gasoline prices. thank you FG ANSWER: The goal of energy independence was achieved under Trump. Now, under Biden, he had depleted the oil reserves all to […]

Voters’ Remorse

Americans are having voters’ remorse after the country took a sharp nose-dive into the ground under the Biden Administration. The economy has been destroyed along with our reputation and future outlook. A new poll has found that only 33% would re-elect Joe Biden if the next presidential election were held today. Out of the 33% […]

Ukraine was Never a Country until 1991

Map showing how Borders have Changed over the centuries for which we are to die for Ukraine was NEVER a country until 1991 east of the river. That is why Bandara joined Hitler’s Nazis, promising they would be allowed to form a nation. Kiev was the origin of the Rus who are the Russians today. […]

Tulsi Gabbard is Right – The Democratic Party is a Cabal of Warmongers

Tulsi Gabbard, former representative for Hawaii’s second district, announced that she is fleeing the Democratic Party in a video that has made waves across the internet. The Democratic Party has radically transformed to “a cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness,” Gabbard said. The party has altered its views to such a far-left point that […]