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Food Riots & Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Thank you for sharing your views. I am in Iraq. I flew to Athens to see you speak there a couple of years ago. I understand you try to provide your best interpretation of what the computer is forecasting. Here in Iraq, there are food riots starting to take place. Is this one of […]

Comment from Inside Ukraine & Lack of Peacemakers

COMMENT: Dear Martin, In addition to the 4 demands listed in your blog “Putin offers peace…” there is a fifth; Ukraine must repeal its “Ukrainian only” law and accept Russian as an equal official language. About 50% of all of Ukraine’s population has Russian as their mother tongue. Most of them are ethnic Russians or […]

Market Talk – March 9, 2022

ASIA: India has signed contracts to export about 500,000 tonnes of wheat in recent days, traders said, cashing in on a sharp rally in international prices and signaling a big uptick in overseas sales from the world’s second biggest producer of the grain. Traders said last week they had received inquiries from buyers seeking alternatives […]

Just Try to Listen to Both Sides

COMMENT: Nothing Putin ever says is true. You are on the wrong side. SF   ANSWER: I understand you are all caught up in the heat of the moment. But just stop. Think clearly and stop making presumptions. Putin’s speech at Davos was excellent but nobody will listen. He was correct. We MUST stop judging […]

The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

I warned ion the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate cryptos because Russia can use it to circumvent sanctions. Not only is Biden authorizing the regulation of digital currencies, but he is […]

Who Are the Oligarchs?

(Photo: Former President Obama’s private yacht) The word “oligarch” leads some to believe that these rich individuals are part of a mysterious underground society. The Oxford dictionary defines an oligarchy as “a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution,” and oligarchs are those who have profited off of the regime […]

Putin Offers Peace – Zelensky Declines

Reliable sources have confirmed that Putin offered to stop the war instantly if Kyiv give up its army, change its constitution to become a permanently neutral country in accordance with the Budapest Agreement, and acknowledge Crimea as part of Russia along with Luhansk and Donetsk are to be free separate republics. Zelensky has refused. Luhansk and […]

Market Talk – March 7, 2022

ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping told the military to step up the use of law in military engagement with foreign countries, Chinese state-owned television CCTV reported. Speaking at the opening session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, he said he was aiming to “improve the laws […]

The Coming WWIII

While people rush to kiss the feet of Zelensky, even some Ukrainians are now concerned that he is a puppet dragging their country to destruction all over Donbas. I have warned that this is going to turn into WWIII. China has now come out and warned the USA against trying to build what it called […]

Russia Disconnecting the Internet to Prevent US Cyber attacks

  While Cogent Communications, a major internet backbone provider that routes data across intercontinental connections, cut ties with Russian customers. It cited sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine. However, Putin is very strategic and despite the allegations that Russia intervened in US elections which turnout out to be false before the 2020 election Putin took […]