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Domestic Analysis v Global

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I watched your Solution Conference and I appreciated it a lot. Indeed, I hope they will follow your suggestions. As far as the markets are concerned here you can find attached the latest report of some guys I have been subscribing to since 2010. Their models warned of a possible top in […]

Musical Chair Banking

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I read the Iceland proposal before you posted your comment about it.  I knew intuitively it wouldn’t work because they were putting government in charge of credit creation – like placing the wolf in charge of the hen house.  (I believe my conclusion came from your Education – thank you.) I listened […]

US v Europe

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, My favorite part of The Solution is that it is so logical. If something can move us forward from this mess in which we are that is logical thinking, it has always been and will always be our specie’s best resource.It has taken me days to digest the information, not because I […]

Iceland’s Radical Reform – Another Braindead Idea

Far too often people fail to understand banking and credit merely making superficial judgments that lack any real in-depth understanding of the world financial system. The common assumption is that the greatest curse of mankind is that commercial banks create money through lending and then securitize such loans selling them into the marketplace illustrates the […]

Reading the Euro

QUESTION: Marty, back on March 10th you said you had support at the 105, 103 and 100 levels in the cash euro. You then called for a bounce after the low was reached at the 10461 price level on March 13. You also said “The Break-Line reaches 80 cents on the next 8.6 year wave” […]

China to Become Financial Capitol of World – But Not Yet.

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read that China is going to be the core economy of the world. Does this mean we should focus our funds on Chinese banks, tech firms, oil companies etc? Especially since the NSA saga, tech companies from the US will have a harder time doing business in China and this in turn […]

What About the Unfunded Liabilities?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Saw ‘The Forecaster’ in London, only sorry it was not showing for longer as many friends would have liked the opportunity to see it, it was an excellent documentary. Very much enjoyed watching the ‘Solutions Conference’. How do you see debt for equity operating in the UK alongside the abandonment of the Central […]

The US Has Previously Done a Debt for Equity Swap

QUESTION: Do you think Congress would accept a debt for equity swap? I am not sure even their chief of staffs would understand this one. HD ANSWER: There is precedent for a debt-equity swap. That is actually the Hamiltonian Model. Alexander Hamilton proposed that the States who funded the Revolution should have their debts consolidated […]

OTC Derivatives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Enjoyed the Solutions conference and am looking forward to the October conference.  There was no mention of the over the counter derivatives market.  Would a debt to equity swap trigger the swaps creating a much larger problem then the current outstanding debt?  Didn’t they try doing a voluntary default with Greek debt before […]

From Greece

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your solution is unbelievable. Greece’s debt is selling at a huge discount from face just like Mexico in 1986. If we follow your model, this would reverse everything. I agree opening this up for all holders of debt rather than exclusively domestic as they did in Eastern Europe would entice major new […]