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Mainstream Media told Not Allowed to Investigate Voter Fraud

I was just told by a journalist in one of the top 3 newspapers that they were just told NO STORIES of any voter fraud. This is pretty much confirming that indeed this election was stolen and the mainstream media will not publish or investigate anything that would undermine Biden. Some journalists are realizing that […]

Market Talk – November 5, 2020

ASIA: China has barred non-Chinese travelers from the UK, Belgium, and the Philippines, imposing new border restrictions in response to the worsening Covid-19 pandemic. The Chinese embassy in the UK said on Wednesday that China’s borders were now closed to those arriving from the UK, including those with valid visas and residence permits. The measure, […]

Market Talk – November 4, 2020

ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping tried to re-assure international businesses that the nation is committed to open trade, amid concerns that the new ‘dual circulation’ strategy will mean the world’s second-largest economy is set to become more insular. Xi speech was closely watched, given the backdrop of the U.S. election result and the shock withdrawal […]

Sharpie-gate – What is Going On?

COMMENT:  I voted for Trump at the voting station in Ashburn, Virginia, November 3rd, and the voting booth only had a Sharpie for me to use. My ballot was then handed to the machine to read and I left the premises. Sounds like this could be a similar strategy being used in other states as […]

They are Desperate to Steal the Election from Trump as Europe Goes 100% into the Great Reset

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Amstrong, Even in The Netherlands, the agenda is out in the open. This article states that only another COVID-19 lockdown makes it possible to reach some of those 2020 climate goals. What a coincidence: a few days later they are telling us the partial lockdown is expanded and extended, probably for the rest […]

Lockdown Corruption & Destruction of Small Business

COMMENT (from UK): Hi Martin There might be a lot of people that originally supported the lockdowns out of ‘fear’ – however, this has been rapidly diminishing even in my own extended family. We were frustratingly at one stage over 80% in favour, that had dropped to under 30%, I suspect it is similar in […]

Saint Malachy Prophecy & End of Times in All Religions

COMMENT: Dear Marty Pope Francis is not the last pope Saint Malachy predicted as he shared one Pope office time with Benedict Unique in history). So it is as well very important that in Johns Revelations there is a chapter on the decline of the catholic church. Even more interesting are Marias prophecies in Fatima […]

Will Big Tech Replace all the Banks?

COMMENT: Marty, It’s now so obvious…but no one has more to gain with the lockdown(and more to lose with its lifting) than Big Tech. The lockdown destroyed small and medium sized business, especially those that are in private hands. These were the real target of the lockdown…private property….collapse these businesses and you go at the […]

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President

COMMENT: For months now you have been saying that these elections will be the most corrupt ever (‘Our Model still shows a Trump Victory if it is a legitimate election’). Trump is repeating this message as well and obviously his voters have been indoctrinated as well. So far, no evidence whatsoever, just heating up emotions. […]

Klaus Schwab & his Communist Revolution

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, does the press no realise that if Schwab reaches his goal, then the free press will cease. Their own demise. RW ANSWER: I know some journalists who see this for what it is. Unfortunately, the editors have signed on to this agenda and they will not allow any true free press […]