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US Effectively Declares World War III Starting with Russia

  World peace is created by economic opportunity. That is how the Roman Empire flourished for 1,000 years. They conquered much of North Africa during the Punic Wars. They conquered Greece and the East during the days of the Republic. Yes, they conquered all of Europe under Julius Caesar. They captured Egypt under Octavian who […]

The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand

QUESTION: Thanks Marty – would you agree that the west does not understand the Russian mind? For them it’s not all about economic considerations, therefore “sanctions” take a back seat to security and strategy which we can’t comprehend. Americans playing checkers, Russians playing chess. CR REPLY: Our greatest problem is that people have characterized Putin […]

Did Incompetence Set in Motion The Ukrainian Crisis?

There is something very serious taking place here. Ironically, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be the ONLY world leader to speak the truth that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will NOT engulf the world into a world war by dragging in NATO. The Epoch Times reported: “I also made it clear in Moscow and in my […]

Welcoming the New World Order

The West is going crazy, and the decisions to throw out all ties to Russia are further escalating the risk of global war. The NY Metropolitan Opera even fired Anna Netrebko, a Russian soprano, because she has ties to Putin. Even in London, Gazprom PJSC’s energy-trading arm is being kicked out of its central London. […]

Market Talk – March 4, 2022

ASIA: China is targeting a non-hydro energy storage installed capacity of 30GW by 2025 and grew its battery production output for energy storage by 146% last year, state media has said. The country is aiming for 50% electricity generation from renewable power by 2025, up from 42% currently. Also the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) reportedly […]

Stupidity of Sanctions

Never in all my career have I ever witnessed such stupidity. While the majority are cheering the sanctions imposed on oligarchs, nobody seems to realize that what goes around, comes around. In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 […]

The Markets & the Solution

  The talks between Ukraine and Russia did not agree on a ceasefire but did agree to create safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. Both sides are clearly at fault here and it is hard to see why there is no settlement to a ceasefire. Agree to a democratic resolution and allow the people of […]

Will Taiwan be Next?

QUESTION: Marty, I see your point. Do you think China will go after Taiwan now as the world is distracted by Ukraine? PA ANSWER: Eventually yes. The timing appears to be more leaning to 2023 during the first quarter. I will deal with that in the coming report on War. The computer is clearly showing […]

Ukraine & Reality

QUESTION: Why do you think that Putin should win? The world seems to be on the side of the Ukrainian people. DU ANSWER: I see the problem as Zelensky is really fighting for money but the press will not report the truth. There are vast gas fields under Crimea and he deliberately cemented off the […]

Russia-Ukraine War Propaganda Exposed

Kim Iversen from “The Hill” breaks down what’s true and what’s false about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Using images of past wars to depict the current conflict is blatant propaganda. Iversen noted that she mistakenly promoted a picture of Zelensky in full military gear that was taken in April 2021, and honestly owned up to […]