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Market Talk – August 27, 2019

ASIA: Contrary to US comments that two calls were made over the weekend, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that he did not hear of any call being made. He also expressed that the increase in tariffs are putting huge pressure on both sides and are not constructive at all. “We hope that the […]

Life & How it Evolves

QUESTION: Martin; What was the tipping point in your investing infancy that flung you to believe you could invest for others? If so can you tell us the trade? And did you mortgage your house for it? For it appears that the best in the business made it on their own first. Apprehensive at this […]

The True Nature of Socialism – Exerting Power

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for everything you do so well. My question to you is, “Do you agree that absolutely anything paid for using collected/extorted tax dollars is socialism?” Thanks in advance. Dave ANSWER: No. Building roads, schools, and infrastructure is not socialism. You cross that line when you engage in class warfare. […]

What to Expect at the 2019 WEC This Year

Orlando World Economic Conference attendees will receive a number of never before published works by Martin Armstrong. Click below for details.

China v US Trade War

China understands the difference between the German mercantilist model of manufacturing and sells to everyone else and the United States which became the largest economy in the world because it allowed its domestic consumer economy to develop. China will become the largest economy in the world and take the crown from the United States because […]

Market Talk – August 23, 2019

ASIA: The US-Chinese trade war took another turn for the worse today as China unveiled another round of tariffs on about 75 billion USD worth of US goods. The tariffs will go ahead on the 1st of September and will consist of 5 to 10% additions on imports of US goods. The Chinese also plans […]

There are more $100 Bills in Circulation than $1 Bills

There are now officially more $100 bills in circulation than $1 bills. The interesting aspect is that when we dig deeper, what is revealed is the fact that the bulk of them are being hoarded outside the United States. This is very interesting for we see the same basic trend emerging from the dollar v […]

Assets v Currency

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I read your blog daily, and i can t say thank you enough. on interest rate, you say market rallied when they got the rumors of roosevelt devaluating the dollar creating a currency inflation. am i wrong when i understand they feared losing money so they bought tangible assets? best regards […]

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump demanding 100 basis point cut by the Fed? I find it curious how they only quote the same people in the press who seem to preach the government position […]

ECB Will Lend to Banks Long-Term in Hopes They Will in Turn Lend Again

Come September, Draghi at the ECB will make loans to Eurozone banks on a long-term basis at rates less than the short-term lending window. The objective is to encourage banks to lend money to businesses. Nobody thinks about letting businesses bypass the banks mainly because the banks are in such a vulnerable state because Europe […]