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Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Practical Economics is Coming

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   I’m a 30yr old treasury trader. I trade billions a week/month with the biggest of the big from hedge funds to mostly primary dealers, I do technical analysis for them and I trade for myself but Im writing you because you have inspired me and influenced me throughout my career. […]

Difference Between S&P & the Dow

QUESTION: Martin I  find it interesting how the ECM shows The DOW at three green largely pressing higher for daily. Weekly and monthly BUT the SP is turning red in daily and monthly Please Explain how the DOW can continue to press much higher as the SP Declines Regards, JCL ANSWER:  The answer is the market […]

Swiss Looking to Limit Executive Pay

The Swiss are known for their frugality. When it comes to executive pay, they are voting on executive pay being limited to 12 times that of the lowest paid employee. This will be a first step in this direction as a matter of law. It reflects the rising tide of socialism as we enter the […]

Gold – A Time for Everything

QUESTION:  Martin, I really appreciate all the work you do and make accessible to the common man.  Anyway, you keep saying gold will really take off in 2015/2016 which corresponds to a downturn in the ECM.  Since we are now in a downturn until 2014 albeit minor, why is gold going down and not rising […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]

Deflation – The Great Equalizer – Now Greece? Was There a Different TESTED Response in History? YES!

Deflation remains a mystery for many because they just cannot grasp the fact that money supply can increase while prices decline. Their heads begin to spin around and they spit out green pea soup because it is not supposed to happen in their mind. During deflationary trends, money supply can still increase but the contraction […]

SAC Hedge Fund Being Shut Down – Truth About Insider Trading

We have received many requests to bring on-line our computer analysis for US equities ASAP because of legal developments. SAC’s criminal guilty plea obtained by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of NYC was announced on Monday, is in addition to a $616 million settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There is a new policy emerging […]

China – Gold – Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION:  Martin…in your previous work, I had noticed that China was due to become the world’s new hegemon by 2015.75.  Several sources that I follow, one included below, indicates China’s voracious appetite for metal, something the west seems willing to accommodate at this point.  It seems the lower the price goes, the more China is willing […]

Interest Rates & the Bell Curve

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for answering my question. Would l therefore be correct in thinking: 1) It is a casual (indirect) relationship between interest rates and inflation rather than direct (ie, the strengthening economy will result in short-term cost-push inflation) 2) The exploding government debt (on interest rate hikes) will weaken the dollar over […]