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Dow Closes Strong – Higher Highs or Lower Lows?

  The Dow Closed above 16660 and this now opens the door for a rally to test the 17000 level reaching a high perhaps on Thursday. We need the see a closing ABOVE at least 17010 to imply that the test of the Weekly Bearish Reversal that held at 15960 may hold. The major support […]

Obama May go down as Worst President in History

It is interesting to watch how the Democrats try to distance themselves from Obama. He may go down as the absolute worst president in history. One has to ask was this some sort of plot to make sure no black president will ever be elected again? Is Obama really in charge? Perhaps they just hand […]

Ebola – The Next Plague/Pandemic?

On Wednesday another American, NBC News reporter in Liberia Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with the deadly virus, the channel reported. He is being evacuated to the US for treatment. However, the appearance of Ebola in Europe has not been widely reported. On Friday, Germany confirmed its second case of Ebola, as a man flown from West […]

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than merely the top 9 controversial issues everyone writes about. Mr. Holder’s more than five years as the nation’s chief legal officer has been absolutely devastating to the future […]

Sunni v Shiite Civil War in Islam – Drawing The World Into Another Crusade – Precise with War Cycle

We are preparing a special report on the Middle East with the various currencies and share markets combined with the Energy Markets. There are tremendous aspects of the Middle-East that are not understood to say the least outside the region. The importance of this in-depth research impacts the War Cycle without question. The radical ISIS […]

Will the USA Also Break-up Into Regions?

  Hadrian’s Wall Divides Scotland from England Since Roman Times QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong;  A friend of mine attended one of your Edinburgh conferences here in the nineties where he said they introduced you as a 7th generation Scotsman not as an American. He said you answered the question in 1997 and said that Scotland would […]

Bail-In v Bail-Out

The stark difference that is being marketed behind the curtain is that taxpayers should not be burdened with bailing-out banks. Depositors and bond holders should be made to pay as in any other situation. The “bail-in” v taxpayer-funded “bail-out”, is a philosophy that is sweeping the entire political system. But there is a serious problem. […]

2016 – The Year From Hell

  While the ultimate socialist has her eyes on 2016, so does our model. We have been projecting this target not only for the potential rise in Third Party votes, the Sovereign Debt Big Bang, but the turning point in pensions as well. Social Security is negative true, but what will also turn negative is […]

Can Patterns Target Individuals?

QUESTION: hello, you wrote today: The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be done right down to an individual. It is looking for patterns based upon your cycle work is Hillary Clinton likely to be the next president? regards., Ted ANSWER: Our models on politics do not target an […]

Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all powerful groups who control the world in unison yet […]