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Klaus Schwab & his Communist Revolution

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, does the press no realise that if Schwab reaches his goal, then the free press will cease. Their own demise. RW ANSWER: I know some journalists who see this for what it is. Unfortunately, the editors have signed on to this agenda and they will not allow any true free press […]

Hunter’s Ex-Partner Confirms Joe Biden Took Money Sanctioned by Communist Party for Influence

  The Big-Tech and Mainstream Media refuse to report on the Hunter Biden saga claiming the emails were stolen or some other nonsense they do not apply when it comes to Trump. Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski who was the CEO of a firm with Hunter Biden, has now come forward to confirm […]

Your Comments & Questions

COMMENT #1: Marty, One gets the sense we are closer to a dictatorship than most think. Twitter, Google, Facebook, and others now appear to be working in overdrive to block content, prevent free speech, report only what suits them, in an effort to sway voters and build momentum for a Biden win. Surely, anyone with a […]

Understanding Inflation – Chicken or the Egg

QUESTION: Hi AE….think I finally get your message about money supply vs inflation. But aren’t we just dealing with a difference of semantics? If the gov’t prints endless amounts of currency, that HAS to. at some point, impact prices etc. which in turn, eventually leads to a collapse in confidence. (Savers can’t afford to buy […]

Market Talk – October 20, 2020

ASIA: China on Tuesday asked India to approach ties with Taiwan “prudently and properly,” and said it would “firmly oppose” any official exchanges between New Delhi and Taipei. The statement from China’s Foreign Ministry came in response to reports that India and Taiwan were considering going forward with talks on a trade deal. India and […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

Social Media Trying to Destroy our Freedom

I was preparing to add a chapter on what is becoming the Greatest Political Manipulation in world history to the Manipulating the World Economy, which would be about the US 2020 election and the COVID-19 world lockdown to further the Great Reset. Now even Amazon is reserving its right to ban any book that is […]

Vote by Mail Fraud

  It has long been a joke in Chicago that once you voted in 1920, you keep voting long past you are dead and buried. It’s your civil duty in Chicago. So far, a total of 353 of the 3,141 counties in America located in 29 of the nation’s 50 states already have 1.8 million […]

Market Talk – October 16, 2020

ASIA: Chinese cotton mills have been told to stop using Australian cotton, deepening fears that Australian produce is being specifically targeted by the Chinese government. Chinese processors set import quotas each year by the Chinese Communist Party but have been verbally warned by the National Development Reform Commission that they will have their intake cut […]

Twitter Bans Trump Campaign – It’s Time They are Taken to Court

Trump campaign official Mike Hahn said Thursday that Twitter suspended the Trump campaign’s official Twitter account, @TeamTrump, after it posted anti-Biden content which called him a liar. They do nothing about Democrats and this is now crossing the line where they are as guilty of interfering with an election and they all accused Putin and […]