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Coronavirus, Hedge Funds Blow Up & the Elephant in the Room Nobody Notices

I do not like to contribute to conspiracy theories. They are more often just wrong. I have mentioned that there was massive liquidation last week, but it is not over. The largest hedge fund run by Ray Dalio who said “cash is trash” and his #1 guy pronounced that the central banks had defeated the […]

The Cyclical Nature of Disease

QUESTION: Do you think there is any validity that this was a leak from their biolab in China? HDF COMMENT: I saw the claims that they spliced AIDS into the Coronavirus claiming this was somehow proof of a lab experiment. You correctly stated that was false. But these conspirators do not know anything about these […]

The Reason for the Crash

QUESTION: Why is the US Dollar tanking during this Coronavirus outbreak? Would have thought it was a safe haven. And why is the Japanese Yen increasing? Why is Japan considered a safe haven? M ANSWER: This has nothing to do with the Coronavirus. The capital flight began with the concern that Bernie was leading the […]

Plastivores – The Planet will Save Itself

(Image Credit: Harald Grove/Brandon University) Our fascinating planet is more resilient than we could imagine. We create issues for which the planet already has solutions. Plastics have become the demon that the politicians wish to eliminate or tax in their laughable effort to save the Earth as if this incredible planet were a damsel in […]

Why Goldbugs Get Crushed

QUESTION: This is what infuriates those that like gold. All of the shorting. Why? No other sector looks like this. So how is it that gold miners are restricted but no other sector sees shorting to the extent that restrictions are in place??? Gold is $1600 and these stocks traded double this price in 2008 […]

Coronavirus Panic

COMMENT: How is this for the Pi Cycle in action: 1968 Hong Kong flu + 51.6 years = 2020 coronavirus. BGP REPLY: Yes, 2020 was the target year for the disease cycle to increase. It still points to the peak coming in 2022. The media has whipped this up into a full-blown panic over the […]

The ECM & the Market Crash

QUESTION #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Might the current correction be the set up for the long awaited slingshot move? Regards, BE COMMENT #1: I just wanted to say thank you. I sold out on the ECM and bought puts on the market. You just paid off my mortgage. God bless you! HJ COMMENT #2: Marty, […]

The Greenhouse Effect Can Lead to Global Cooling

There is a new study out that actually is starting to understand cycles. Climate experts have discovered that there is a natural feedback loop that creates the basis of a cycle. It is like the words your mother told you, “Too much of anything is bad.” Many kids would love to just eat chocolate bars […]

How to Redesign Government for the Next Generation post-2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your great insights! We are thankful. Often you have stated that you are happy that you do not have the age of 25, because of the chaos and economic crises coming ahead. Unfortunately, many of us (just like me) are 25 years old at this point in time. What […]

Fake News – Coronavirus & the Dow

COMMENT #1: Marty, you are the only person who tells the truth in markets. If the coronavirus is spreading everywhere outside the USA, then why is money fleeing from the US stock market to run to places where there is the virus? This is fake news at its best. You are right. This is the […]