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Was Byzantium any Better than Rome?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thanks for sharing your knowledge of Ancient Coinage. The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire lasted for over a thousand years and is fabled for its immense wealth. Was the Byzantine Empire more successful in its currency management than the Western Roman Empire? JR ANSWER: Actually no. The split between East and West came AFTER […]

Donating to Promoters & Bankers – The Wall Street Charity

QUESTION: Martin, you said in a recent blog: “Gold peaked with the low in the ECM in 2011 and it should rise after 2016 into 2020. This is a matter of the overall business cycle.” Have you now changed your major low in gold forecast from the original before or in Jan 2014 to now in […]

Gold Questions:

QUESTION:  Martin, Thank you for clearing up all this gold propaganda about backwardation and comex workings that I keep hearing.  I do have one question that some gold bugs keep bringing up. I hear them talk about the DJIA to Gold ratio and how the ratio will go back towards 1 when the gold market […]

Elections 2014 & 2016

QUESTION: “Will there be a swing far enough to the left to wake people up and blink in 2016? With the ECM turning in 2015 it seems like 2014 elections maybe to soon for awake up to reality but maybe by 2016 we can return to electing real representatives instead of politicians Bill.” ANSWER: If […]

Manipulations & Exceptions – One-Dimensional Thinking

QUESTION: Some analysts “expect that the u.s. treasury will keep interest rates low for many years. they quote japan`s so-called “lost decade” as a precendant and appear to expect that such artificial supression will in fact work ( obviously against what you consider “market forces”). which poses the question: does japan`s “lost decade” conform to the ECM […]

Banks Manipulating Markets & the End of an Era

I have been warning that there has been a “Club” that has been targeting market after market to make a quick buck. The LIBOR Scandal has caused the tide to turn as well as having to bail out the banks in 2008 that has fundamentally altered the course of everything. Now the Swiss regulators said […]

Death of the Euro?

The feeling in Europe is growing darker by the day. Even the central bankers have been moving into the Australian and Canadian dollars as reserves shunning away from the Euro. Behind the curtain, central bankers are running away from the Euro after the German elections. The rising debt in Europe is out of control and […]

Real Estate Boom in Switzerland, Singapore & Elsewhere

QUESTION: I can confirm your post today in a small way for I have seen Singapore prices rise since 1990, naturally with cyclical fluctuations.Your 2015.75 year target is 26 years — can you indicate a correction period that corresponds thereto? FYI— the top of the market is currently sluggish but  outlying areas are better and so the gap […]

Coming Volatility

QUESTION: If war in the Middle East prostpones the Sovereign Debt Crisis into 2020, will the eonomic decline after the peak of the ECM in 2015 be milder decline in stocks and other private assets? Kind  regards j.k ANSWER: The postponement can be largely a suspension as was the case during World War II. However, these types of […]

Gold $5,000+ – Why

QUESTION: You have been really hard on the “gold promoters”, yet you are long-term bullish on gold. Why would gold rise if not for all the reasons put forth by the gold promoters? ANSWER: I was a gold market-maker. Personally, I prefer gold. I prefer to handle it. But whatever my personal feeling about gold, that […]