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Comment from a Reader on Gates – The Truth Comes Out When You Leave Office

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, All I could think of was you after listening to Robert Gates’ response to the question about a serious threat to US national security. BOB SCHIEFFER: And welcome back to Face the Nation and as promised more from our interview with the former Defense Secretary and we pick up where we […]

Political Trivia Test – Can You Pass It?

A little trivia to see how much history you know or wish to guess at. If you don’t know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions before looking at the answers at the bottom. 1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” A. Karl Marx […]

Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies

Throughout history there has been countless two-tier monetary systems where at times there have been a local currency issued by the immediate government, yet the people rely upon the currency of another government. Such periods are interesting for they are not official but emerge by the people rather than through a decree of a government. […]

The Leviathan Shows Its Teeth

Britain is adopting US tax law by default – worldwide income. The US position to tax citizens on worldwide income even when they do not live here was NEVER enacted by the people in a democratic manner, but rather it was purely a creation of American judges. I explained that the US banks starting in […]

China v Japan – War? There is a major dispute over some tiny uninhabited islands in the South China Sea. One may think this is nothing. They are just tiny islands not worth going to war over. WRONG! The islands are just the excuse. The issue is the festering hatred of Japan throughout Asia for World War II that […]


Writings 1996 Armstrong Economics: WCMR Investor’s Worst Nightmare – Washington (Martin Armstrong, 01/96) Armstrong Economics: WCMR Clinton Sweeps Nation Republicans Defeated! (Martin Armstrong, 02/96) Armstrong Economics: WCMR The Coming Great Tax Depression (Martin Armstrong, 03/96) Armstrong Economics: WCMR The New $100 Bill (Martin Armstrong, 04/96) Armstrong Economics: WCMR Clintonomics (Martin Armstrong, 05/96) Armstrong Economics: WCMR […]