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Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

Silicon Valley Experiencing Net Migrations Outward

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe the next migration out of California is now also impacting Silicon Valley. Do you see elements of this moving to Austin Texas as the rumors are here in California? HY ANSWER: Yes, the rumors are correct. Silicon Vally if you ranked it as its own nation, it would be in the […]

John McCain’s Funeral Converted to a Career Politician Opportunity to bash Trump

John McCain’s funeral turned into a political event where career politicians did nothing but used the opportunity to bash Trump. The hatred these people are spinning in the country is going to lead to bloodshed. They are convinced that if they can just keep talking shit about Trump they will get rid of him and […]

Civil Unrest for 2018/2019 Post Election Cycle – The End of the United States?

QUESTION: I have followed you for many years and read you daily. To the point, I was looking at the riots in LA 1n 1965 and then the riots in 1992, that being 27 years so I divided that by 8.6 and got 3.14, so I backtested 27 years and found more race-related riots etc. Does […]

People Living in their Cars in California?

A very interesting issue has emerged in California. The price of real estate rose so high that the median price for a home reached $600,000 and the price was just too high. Consequently, people began to take up residence sleeping in their cars. A recent article looked at the issue and found that 15,000 people live […]

Tampa v St. Petersburg for Migration

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have a question in regards to your recommendation from last year’s WEC. You recommend to move to Tampa, FL and I have been following your recommendation. I have been wanting to move out of Stockton, California, which a bankrupted city in the late 2008 Financial Crisis. Stockton has been a mess […]

The Significance of the Velocity of Money

QUESTION: Greetings Marty, I have followed you since the old Money Radio days! Can you help me understand the disparity between the declining velocity of money, the growth of the economy and what the natural consequence may be? Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge! Regards, MRM   ANSWER: Oh yes. Buzz Schwartz […]

Why are Robots Changing the Future?

QUESTION: Do you think that robots will eliminate a lot of jobs in the future? EH ANSWER: Yes. But you have to understand WHY are we even turning to robots. The answer to that question is TAXES & SOCIALISM! The bottom line is rather blunt. Any routine job that can be replaced by allowing the consumer […]

The German Pension Crisis to Become a Political Issue as in Italy

The Pension Crisis is starting to be noticed in Europe. The German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is arguing that the federal government has to guarantee the pension level until 2040. He is arguing that the government MUST come up with a plausible financing model which seems actually impossible. The increase in taxes to cover pension that […]

The Fight Behind the Curtain inside the EU

Italy is the third largest economy in Europe just behind France, but it is number two insofar as industrial production is concerned. The French manufacture three main brands, Peugeot, Citroen, and Renault, in the world of automobiles which are not very popular in the USA. The Italians, however, have the more recognized brands worldwide such as Ferrari, […]