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Obama Used a Fictitious Name to Communicate with Hillary on Her Private Server

Once a politician, always a politician. They are just incapable of telling the truth. The New York Post, who may become the American version of the British Guardian, has now exposed that Obama used a fake name to communicate with Hillary on her private server because he KNEW what she was doing. While tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails […]

Is the World Political Economy Melting Down?

Many people have asked are we collapsing as did Rome? The answer is absolutely YES. Like Rome, the state always turns against its people as its need for money always expands. Like the Romans, we have lost our independence, our integrity, and our freedom. The world political economy is melting down before our eyes as […]

Canada’s Household Debt Exceeds Total GDP for First Time

For the first time in history, the total private debt of the Canadian public has exceeded the total national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) after reaching 100.7%. This is significantly higher than in the United States, which has been declining since 2008. Household debt in the United States is now under 80% of GDP. Clearly, Canada’s […]

Now Available: The Pension Crisis Report

  With each peak in the Economic Confidence Model, a different sector becomes the focus. The peak in interest rates occurred on 1981.35 and was the peak of the Public Wave that followed the 1929.75 Private Wave. The Public Wave bottomed on 1985.65 during the summer of 1985. This event marked the birth of the current […]

Inflation – Deflation – Interest Rates

QUESTION: Is there a correlation between the GDP rate and interest rate ? Best regards, BL ANSWER: No. What central bankers fail to take into consideration is that the interest rate is the OPPORTUNITY COST of money as reflected into the future. This is why interest rates naturally decline during a recession because of the future expectation of what […]

Market Talk – September 9th, 2016

Asia was a mixed with a strong Hang Seng (+0.75%) an unchanged Nikkei and a slightly weaker Shanghai (-0.55%), which after yesterdays ECB Q+A session was actually very promising performance. However, it was not to last and as soon as Europe opened then the selling began. It started in the fixed-income markets but by afternoon […]

Opinion Infected by Bias

QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If anyone’s opinion carries any weight, it has to be yours. RJ ANSWER:Yes. Experience is everything. You cannot forecast something you have never seen, […]

Britain to End Freedom on Movement with EU Citizens

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain has made it clear that Britain will not accept retaining the EU free movement of EU citizens after the exit. Even traveling from Brussels to London, before BREXIT, they did not recognize Schengen Agreement for free travel. People fron Eastern Europe with a Shengen visa did not have access to […]

WHY 2017 is The Threshold to Chaos

I have been warning that 2017 was the Year of Political Hell with four major referendums/elections that would undermine the confidence in government – BREXIT, US Presidential Elections, French Elections, and Germany Elections. These four events hold the potential to overturn the expectations of the future. Whatever the general public felt about government would flip. The […]

Le Pen vows to hold French referendum on Leaving EU – FREXIT

Hollande is running only around a 10% approval rating. Merkel’s CDU came in third place in her home state. Things are a moving and shaking as they say in Europe. Indeed, get ready for 2017 will be the tipping point in markets as a whole. The refugee crisis has indeed changed the face of Europe […]