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Democrats Scorched Earth Policy

Hillary Clinton is using the tyrannical Mar-a-Lago raid to sell merchandise. Clinton began promoting “but her emails” clothing only a day after Trump’s personal residence was stormed. That seems to be a quick turnaround time considering everyone claims the raid blindsided them. She is blatantly bragging that intelligence agencies never came after her in any […]

The Decline & Fall of the United States

We now stand on the precipice of the Decline & Fall of the United States. It will soon be time to turn off the lights. Neither political party has EVER violated the post-term immunity of former presidents that has distinguished America from every corrupt two-bit government pretending to be democratic while imprisoning their political opponents. […]

A Cycle Has Changed Inside Russia

  To my total shock, I know a family that fled Poland to flee from Russia and went to Canada. They then fled Canada because of all the insanity of Trudeau and refused to return. Since their visa for America is expiring, they said to me that they may now go to Russia. I was […]

The Inequality of the World Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed your comments on the future of inflation for the last five years at least since a friend attended your conference. I must say you have alone singlehandedly defeated every economic theory I have studied. Since the start of this pandemic in 2020, most prominent neoliberal economic voices warned of […]

Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Marty, It appears the January 6th committee has prevented Stephen K. Bannon from showing his evidence and the right to defend himself including his protection of the executive privilege from the President. It is suggested he will be found guilty as soon as today and his case then rests on the slim ‘chance’ of […]

Republicans Fail to Reject NATO Expansion

We spend too much on the military, but we should give all our money to Ukraine. Make it make sense! Sweden and Finland made their grand debut in NATO this week. The Democrats helped push that into law in a vote that passed 394-18. Only 18 dissenters, all Republicans, saw the flaw involved with expanding […]

The Government is Tracking You

Yes, the government is tracking your movements. You do not need to have a COVID pass installed on your phone nor do you need to be a criminal. The location data industry has become a $12 billion market that is actively growing. It recently came to light that the Trump Administration began tracking mobile data […]

Inflation – Real Estate – Chaos

COMMENT: I thought you were just a Trumper warning what would happen if Biden won. I have come back to your site because I can see inflation approaching 10% as you said and the dollar is rising which made no sense as gold stalled. I think you also said that real estate will decline perhaps […]

Obama Lashes Out at Former White House Physician for Questioning Biden’s Mental Health

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, a former White House physician under the Biden Administration, was reprimanded by former President Obama for admitting that everyone has been questioning Joe Biden’s mental health for years. “Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values,” a memoir penned by Jackson, discusses the conversations he had concerning the […]

How Western Sanctions Crippled Syria

The West has placed some form of sanctions on Syria since the Carter Administration when the nation was added to the State Sponsors of Terrorism List. George W. Bush increased sanctions in 2004 to push the “War on Terror” agenda as the US invaded sovereign nations under false pretenses. However, it was not until 2011 […]