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The Rich v Oligarchs

QUESTION: Hello Martin, You have said ‘the rich get richer by investing’; and as well, you’ve said ‘governments are always corrupted’. What history shows (and many of us have learned) is that ‘big money’ is especially adept at manipulating government for its own advantage. Currently, we call this ‘regulatory capture’. (This includes ‘judicial’ capture). The […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Hi Marty I hear what you are saying about the next gen and Gold vs BTC. To me it begs the question as to how the Next Gen’s look at crypto’s. Is there an argument that they like BTC etc because it is anonymous [mostly] and not part of the ‘system’. If that is the […]

Science v Religion

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been an avid reader of your blog for over four years after watching The Forecaster on Norwegian TV in the fall of 2015. First, I would like to commend you for your tireless work, your integrity and your courageous struggle for justice and freedom of speech. Your voice is […]

Gold in Currencies & Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION #1: Marty; On the Private Blog 1/19, you wrote “When we look at the Weekly Array, we can also see volatility rising this coming week. The two key weeks ahead are those of 01/27 and 02/17. Therefore, failure to make a new high warns that we may see a retest of support ahead. We […]

Real Estate & Foreign Investment That Drives Up Prices

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your free blog–I’ve learned heaps. I believe the greatest disservice a government can make is to allow foreign investment in real estate in their country. I have lived in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia where real estate is no longer affordable for many first home buyers. Inflated prices have […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump has said Washington is in no hurry to sign a big trade deal with India and he is saving the big deal for later on. There was an expectation that India and the US would sign a trade deal next week during President Trump’s maiden visit to Asia’s second-largest economy. […]

Online v Brick & Mortar

QUESTION: Sir, My daughter works at a brick and mortar pet smart store as a 33 hour per week employee. She told my wife that PetSmart bought the online pet food store ie their online competition. What’s also interesting is that they are focusing on non-online activities such as training and semi non-online activists […]

Climate Change & Do we Use Less CO2 than Romans to Light our Homes?

COMMENT: Marty; the Greta worshipers are really brain-dead. We just set a 77-year record low on Valentine’s Day and they say that proves its climate change caused by man. When you try to have an intelligent conversation, they simply say every scientist agrees with them. They are brainwashed beyond belief. The entire theory of CO2 […]

Bloomberg’s Napoleon Complex or Super Sized Ego?

COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, love the blog. it’s the first thing I read every morning. on the subject of Mike Bloomberg, you mentioned the stop and frisk controversy but what’s even worse is the way Bloomberg got the city council to circumvent NYC’s term limits law to let him run for a third term. JS […]

Big Bang v REPO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see your warning about Big Bang and the bonds markets would crash after 2015.75 going into the bottom of your business cycle on January 18, 2020. However, it seems that the negative interest rates have created your bond crash not in price but in participation. There is no viable bond […]