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Will Europe See More Deflation, Stagflation, or Inflation?

  QUESTION:  Dear Martin, am a loyal reader of your blog and many thanks to you for the education. Please, one brief but important question, which keeps me thinking hard these days. I remember your words, inflation should pick up in the next cycle. But, isn’t it the other way round? Isn’t deflation the next […]

Market Talk – August 2, 2019

ASIA: There has been news suggesting that China wants to retaliate to the tariffs imposed by Trump, but their faltering economy and high debt burden does not allow them to do so. Today, China’s Ministry of Commerce, which is heavily involved in the country’s trade policy, said it would “take necessary counter measures to resolutely […]

Market Talk – July 29, 2019

ASIA: China has condemned the recent protest in Hong Kong labelling the act as a “serious damage to the rule of law.” There are still talks of the possibility of China bringing military presence in the region. Meanwhile, Chinese civil rights are being put into question after a Chinese court sentenced a civil rights activist […]

Mueller was just not Credible

QUESTION: Marty, it seems the Mueller’s testimony was really bad for the Democrats and it looks like Mueller refused to investigate the fact that Hillary paid for the Steele Dossier which started this whole investigation. How can Mueller investigate everything but not Hillary and the Steele Dossier? PD ANSWER: You are correct. Mueller claimed ignorance. […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2019

ASIA: China told the Trump administration today to “make up its mind” regarding the trade deal, according to the South China Morning Post. China also warned that additional tariffs will derail the current negotiations. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin this week stated that he and his entourage could be traveling to China this week if […]

The Black Hole of Debt

We are facing a serious collapse in government that appears to be shaping up on the horizon beginning 2021/2022. Take the city of Chicago for example. The city is buried under a mountain of city employee pension debt and it’s impossible to see how their city could possibly survive. There will be a major financial […]

Understanding the Energy Model

QUESTION: Hi Marty I try not to bother you with questions, I know you’re plenty busy answering much more complex questions but I’m wondering if you could explain energy in the markets a bit? I always watch for divergences in energy and price (both positive and negative), or fading energy during a rally, or a random […]

Market Talk – July 10, 2019

ASIA: Russia reported that China has announced plans to open six new free zones as an attempt to open up its economy (with external pressure to do so). China also announced that they will expand the existing Shanghai free zone. Spokesperson Gao Feng said, “China has been opening up more sectors of the economy as […]

Market Talk – July 9, 2019

Market Talk – July 9, 2019 ASIA: The U.S. approved a 2.2 bn USD sale of arms to Taiwan, despite China forewarning them not to do so. China is now demanding that the U.S. cancels the deal, calling the U.S. actions a “crude interference” and further stating that it is harming its sovereignty. Elsewhere, U.S. […]

Thailand the New Safe Haven?

The dollar decline against the Thai Baht is starting to impact both a trading perspective as well as economic. Thailand’s central bank is worried about the decline in the greenback against baht. They fear that the U.S. keeps a watchful eye out for signs of unfair currency policies. Indeed, the bureaucrats are clueless with respect […]